Chapter 19

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Long chapter!

I wake up by a soft snoring sound beside my ear, his breath tickling my skin. Without opening my eyes, I enjoy the moment for as long as it lasts. Last night went from hating him to liking him again. Our kiss was so intense it remembered me how much I've missed his lips on mine. But it stayed with one long, intense kiss.

We didn't go further than that. I was so tired of all the mood swings, all the drama, and not to forget the crazy night I've had with Vince I was more than happy to go to sleep. Michael never asked for more because he knew it wasn't the time for it. I wouldn't have slept with him after last night's events. I can't forget the image of him kissing Geneviève. He must explain about that matter before I can truly trust him again.

I don't know if I need to be glad or sad that I still don't know what he wanted to tell me. But he promised me he would tell me today, so I'm a little nervous about it. The last thing he had said to me was: "I won't let anyone getting between us ever again, my sweet jewel."

I don't know what he meant about that, but I guess it has something to do with his departure. But I'm still cautious with him. Until I know everything, I can finally close that chapter in my life. If it's with him or not. If he doesn't have a reasonable explanation for everything, I'll shut him out of my life for good.

The tickling on my ear and cheek doesn't stop, so I carefully scratch, accidentally touching his upper lip. Michael's eyes shoot open, a lazy smile on his face. "Good morning, beautiful." He smiles at me.

"Good morning," I reply to him, snuggling closer against him. I'm going to enjoy this moment as long as it lasts. No matter how much it will hurt to let him go, I need to keep true to myself. I won't let myself get dragged by his charms ever again.

"How did you sleep?" He asks me curiously. "Good, but I never knew you snore?" I ask him with crooked eyebrows, an amused expression on my face. "Yeah, it's an unpleasant habit, I know." He says lazily, burying his head against my shoulder, giving soft kisses against it.

"What are you thinking?" He asks carefully, his eyes looking for any clues on my face. "Everything about you and last night," I answer quickly. "I know, and you'll get your answers very soon, but first I'm going to make you a cup of coffee." He smiles at me, giving me a quick peck on my forehead.

If he wanted, he could have asked for more yesterday even now, but he knows what's at stake for him, for us. And I will not ask for more until I know everything.

I hear soft stumbling noises coming from the kitchen, a drawer opening and closing. "Do you find everything?" I yell out of my bedroom. "Yeah, don't worry." He shouts back. A big smile appeared on my face. I quickly jump out of bed, putting on my socks, and make my way to the kitchen.

Seeing him standing with his white dress shirt open, exposing his broad torso makes me lick my lips. He has changed for the better. He wasn't small built anymore. Gently he setts two cups of coffee on my small kitchen table. Then he eyes me curiously, a wide grin spreading his face.

"Staring is rude." He grins from ear to ear, showing his white teeth. "I know," I answer boldly, letting myself lower on a chair across from him. He eyes me with an amused expression, gently sipping from its cup. I relax a little, but not long when he shifts himself nervously.

"Where do I start," he says, scratching his neck a little uncomfortable. "Begin at the start," I say in a calm tone, quickly sipping from my coffee before he begins. My eyes are glued on his face, I'm sure if someone would see me they think I'm obsessed with him. But my therapist's side comes crawling up. I'll notice when he's lying to me, and God knows I'm hoping he won't lie to me for a second time.

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