Chapter 3

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"Hey? What's the matter, Will?" I ask him carefully, kneeling beside him. "Mommie forgot to call," Will tells me with a weeping voice. He sits in the corner of his room with his eyes downcast. "I know Will. Maybe she has a perfect explanation for it." I explain to him softly, brushing with my hand over his small shoulders.

Will is our smallest patient here. With his ten years old, he's a hard time fitting in the group. Will came here two weeks ago. His mother thought something was wrong with him because he has a wild imagination sometimes. We've been running some tests with Vince, who's the psychiatrist of this institution. So far, they found nothing disturbing, only that he's a little younger from the mind than other ten-year-olds. Every child has its own tempo of growing mature. Will still likes to play with his car toys and he loves to play soldier with imaginary friends.

"You know what. I'll call your mother and if I get her on the phone you can talk to her, okay?" I inform him of sweetly. Will watches me, a wide smile appearing on his lips. "Thank you," He answers enthusiastically. "But don't be sad if she doesn't answer the call. Tomorrow is another day little friend." I inform him softly. Will nods in understanding and he watches me leave the room. In the hallway, I take my phone out of my pants pocket and search for the desk's number.

After one time ringing, Susan picks up the phone. "Hello Sofia," She greets me friendly. "Hi Susan, can you search for Will's contact list? I need to call his mother in particular." I explain to her professionally. "Alright, I'll put you through, give me a second." She explains friendly. "Thanks, Susan," I reply friendly, awaiting the call to go through.

"Hello?" I hear a fragile voice from the other side answering my call. "Hello, it's Sofia Santos from Child Care. I call you because your son Will wanted to speak with you. After all, you missed call hour." I tell her firmly. I hope she has a good explanation for her behavior because that little man desperately wants his mother's attention and love. "Uhu, yeah. I forgot. I had a long day at work and couldn't call when it was call hour." She explains to me, ashamed. "You can always call Susan at the desk, she can put one of us through so you can talk to Will every day," I explain to her more friendly. "That would be great, thanks!" I hear her voice relax with the information I gave her.

I never saw Will's mother, but I heard she got pregnant very young, so she must have had a hard time taking care of Will besides going to school. "I'll put Will through now," I tell her friendly while walking into Will's room. Will's eyes light up instantly. "Here's your mom." I gently lay the phone in his hand. Will picks it up and starts talking with her, a massive grin of joy appearing on his small, boyish face.

After fifteen minutes, I walk out of Will's room passing Vince his office. "Sofia?" He calls me behind his desk. "Yes?" I stop dead in my tracks, turning back toward his door. "Has Will talked with his mother?" He questioned me curiously. "Yes, a minute ago. She didn't have time to call at call hour because she was still at work," I explain to him professionally. "That's good for Will. He must talk to his mother as much as possible because he misses her and we don't want the kid to be unhappy here." He informs me gently with a serious expression.

"I nod in understanding and notice the picture of him and his wife was gone on his desk. "I'll get back to work then," I tell him friendly before turning on my heels. "Alright, Sofia," Vince said friendly with a small smile before I walked back into the direction of my office. When I saunter into my office, Tessa seated herself on the comfy couch. "Hey, how are you?" I ask her friendly. "Good." She smiles brightly. "Are you ready for lunch?" She questions me. "Yes, I'm starving." I chuckle, taking my purse from the ground. "Of course you are. I'm also craving for a big slice of pizza," Tessa tells me with enthusiasm.

Together we walk to the closest pizza restaurant we could find. "I saw something strange this morning. The picture of Vince and his wife was gone on his desk." I inform her. "Did you not know?" Tessa asked me in surprise. "What do I need to know?" I ask her curiously. "Vince, his wife cheated on him. They are going through a divorce, I've heard." Tessa explained calmly. "Are you sure?" I ask her uneasily. "Yeah, of course, I am sure. It's the information I got from everyone at work. Even Tom knew the big news." Tessa explains to me. "Of course, Tom knows everyone." I shake my head in disbelief.

"They have spent some time together when they were younger. Vince played soccer with him for two years until he fell and twisted his knee. The doctor's told him to find another hobby because if he would fall again on his knee, the damage would be irreversible." Tessa explained to me. "Oh, I didn't know that," I answer shortly. "Of course not. You're not the type of knowing everything from everyone." Tessa chuckles. "But luckily you know almost everything." I punch her shoulder playfully. "I know much, but that doesn't mean I gossip negatively," Tessa smirked. "I know that, but you have such a friendly appearance everyone wants to talk to you," I explain to her while opening the door of the restaurant.

Together we seated ourselves at the table beside the large window. "I'm friendly, but you're smart and friendly. Sometimes it seems you don't see what others see in you. Most of all, you're kind-hearted. Sofia, you can take your mask off with me. I'm here for you if you need to talk. Nobody ever hears you complaining about anything, but I know you have secrets. I can see it in your eyes, Sofia." Tessa explained to me carefully. I swallow and avert my gaze from her doubtfully.

After ten minutes we received our orders. We both ate one slice in silence, Tessa peeking under her lashes toward me. "Alright, I'll tell you," I mutter. "Sofia, if you don't want to ..." But I cut her off. "No, it's about time I tell you everything. It's only fair enough to tell you my problems because you always open up to me.

What happened with my mom and her cancer, you know, but during that time I had to endure something else. There was a boy and..." My voice breaks at the memories...

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