Chapter 28

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I look at Michael, appreciating the light that falls on his face. This night couldn't get any better. Dinner went smoothly at the end. I was so mad at myself I tried my best to compose myself. Try to act like a normal woman that's in the company of a handsome man, was the hardest part. Obviously, Michael saw my struggle, and he was so sweet to assure me it was nothing more than two people having a meal. But this wasn't just a meeting between friends. There's so much more between us.

The history we shared can't be erased. The love I've felt for him can't be denied. All the trouble we've been through made us who we are now, and I've to admit I'm still attracted to him after all those years. This man keeps astonishing me with his sweet side. He would do anything to make me feel comfortable and happy.

When Frederico tried to flirt with me, Michael his expression explained everything. He was jealous and struggling to keep his temper low towards him. It made something loose inside of me, seeing him struggle like that. The feelings he has for me are strong. The distance he wants to give me just because I need it, tells he's still in love with me.

The warmth he gives me by shutting his feelings to the side and placing mine in front of his is such a romantic gesture. It makes me succumb. I know him so well, and at the same time, I feel like I'm not aware of how sweet he really is. If I think back to when we were teens, Michael has always been respectful, understanding, and sweet to me. That's why he has saved my mom because he loves me.

Michael pinches my hand gently, making me look up to him, a bright smile on his face. "Do I bore the lady?" He chuckles, staring into my face. "No, I'm sorry," I stammer. "I was so wrapped up with my thoughts, sorry," I add, ashamed.

"I was just kidding Sofia," Michael says softly. "Oh," a sigh escaping me. "Don't pressure yourself. Be you, that's more than enough. If you want to be quiet, be quiet, I don't care as long as you feel comfortable." Michael says in a gentle tone.

God, I want to pinch myself. He's so fucking adorable. Maybe I don't deserve him. Michael is a man every woman would dream of. The more days I've spent with him, the more I trust him and he is growing on me. The bond we have is gold. I'll never throw away with we have. Michael knows me better than I know myself.

"The ocean," I blurted, hearing the waves coming closer. "We are almost there," Michael informs me, his eyes shining in the dark. The both of us stop at a safe distance from the water, Michael laying the plaid in front of us. I place the box on it and lower myself, Michael following my gesture.

"This is great," I say, enjoying the noises of the ocean. "It makes me think about our past as teens," I admit, feeling the corners of my mouth twitch up. "Really?" Michael asks curiously. "Yes, I often think about when we were younger," I explain softly. "Do you?" I ask him.

"Yes, only about us. Those memories I'll cherish forever." He answers with honesty. "Me too," I say silently and open the box as a distraction. I also think about our time together, because what we had was special and real. We were so in love with each other, the thought we would split makes me wince again. I avert my thoughts for a moment and look inside the box, a big smile appearing on my face.

"Tiramisu!" I squeal in joy. "Your favorite! What a coincidence!" Michael laughs happily. "Michael!" I grin from ear to ear. "You didn't!" I say out loud. "Maybe, I helped him a little." Michael shrugs, a wicked smile on his face. "You are so sweet," I say a little softer. He's truly sweet and romantic, making him even more attracted. I smile shyly and avert my eyes slightly from his intense gaze.

"Are you blushing, Sofia Santos?" Michael grins wickedly. "No. Besides, it's dark. You can't see me blush now." I answer quickly, my voice betraying what I assumed. "I don't have to see your face to know you're blushing, jewel," Michael says in a sexy, husky tone. I swallow and quickly place the small spoon with tiramisu in my mouth.

Closing my eyes while enjoying the tastes in my mouth, I lean a little backward when I feel Michael's body against my arm. Right, he's sitting close to me. "My tiramisu is better." I hear him saying out of the blue and a laugh escapes me. He always knows how to fill the silence. "Michael, you're joking, right?" I say dumbfounded.

"No, I'm honest. I'm certain you will think mine is better." He explains. The edge in his voice telling me he's probably right. He knows what I like and dislike, which makes it hard for me to play himpe. I can't lie to him anymore or hide, just like it all happened when I had bumped against him seven years ago. I thought I could hide from him then, but failed miserably and that's what is happening again. History will repeat itself as we belong to each other and we need to be together to survive.

"Well, I'll have to find out if that theory of yours is true then," I say, taking another bite from the tiramisu. "It is true." Michael chuckles. "We'll see." I giggle.

After we finished our dessert, Michael and I sat and listened to the noises that the ocean gave us. The peaceful noises, also being loud and rough makes me relax a little more and I don't know what I was doing until I felt I was leaning with my head against Michael's shoulder.

Michael lays a plaid over my legs and places his arm over my shoulder, resting his hand on my stomach. The warmth of his hand gave me goosebumps over my entire body. His closeness, his breath against my ear made me shiver. "Are you cold?" Michael asks. He must have felt my body shivering. "No, I'm fine," I answer quickly.

"You sure?" He asks me in a whisper, his breath tickling my ear. I exhale loudly and feel my body tense. Sure? Of course, I'm not sure about anything. Being here with him makes me weak and unpredictable, and still, it feels safe with him. My body says things I ignored for a long time and now my mind is playing tricks with me.

"Totally fine." I stammer nervously, a bit too enthusiastic for my liking. He'll see right through me. What will he do now he knows I get nervous with him? This can be his moment to strike. He sees I'm weak and I won't struggle. He can kiss me because I'll not back out now. But he kept his distance. A few times he shifted against me, making me on edge every time he moved.

The insecurities taking the upper hand; I lay flat on my back and gaze at the stars above us. Michael also lays himself beside me, and I can't stop thinking about him rolling on top of me and kissing me fiercely. God, these thoughts are killing me. It drives me insane and I get a hard time concentrating on the stars.

First, I don't want him to make a move and now I want him to assault me with kisses. This is so frustrating. Fuck my reasonable mind, fuck Michael his parents, fuck I became a chicken with men. This has to end now!

I sit straight and turn myself to Michael, who already did the same by my sudden weird behavior. "What's wrong?" He asks me with concern. "You!" I say, out of breath with a trembling voice. Michael gazes at me, his eyes finding my parted lips.

I exhale loudly and he looks up at me before he leans closer to me until our noses touch each other. The shimmering moonlight giving me a little bit of access to notice the mixed feelings on his face.

"I've missed you," I whisper. Michael didn't leave me time to think about what I've just said because his lips were already on mine, making me his for the second time.

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