Part 12 (end)

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When Yunho got off work earlier than Mingi he sees a crying kid at the sidewalk on the opposite side of the building, the kid looks like a seven-year-old. He noticed that she was crying.

"Hey, what's wrong? Where are your parents?" Yunho asked the kid while trying to calm her down.

"M-my mom left me h-here, she said she was going to buy ice cream for me, it's been an hour but she hasn't come back," She said between her sobs.

"Do you just live with your mom?"

"Yes, I don't have any siblings"

"What's your name?"


"What a beautiful name, nice to meet you Eun-Jung, my name is Yunho. I'm going to be here with you ok? Don't cry," Yunho said while wiping her cheeks and he smiled warmly at her.

Yunho called Child Service and tell them what happened, they informed him that they're going to send a couple of people there to pick up the child. Yunho tries to entertain her and trying to boost up her mood by playing a couple of games with her while waiting for the Child Service people.

After 15 minutes there were a couple of people going towards Yunho and the kid. Eun-Jung then hid behind Yunho.

"Hey it's ok, they're good people," Yunho holds Eun-Jung's hand and smiled to her that it's going to be all right.

They asked Yunho a few questions and then decided to take Eun-Jung to an orphanage. Yunho and Eun-Jung then parted their goodbyes. Yunho was sad and angry as to why would a parent do anything like that to their child. He then goes to his car and drives towards his shared apartment. When he arrived, he took a shower and then watch TV. After an hour he heard a beep, signaling that someone has entered the apartment.

"Muffin, I'm home," Mingi said while taking off his shoes.

"What are you watching there?" Says Mingi who's now sitting next to Yunho.

"Just a k-drama, oh yeah Mingi, I wanna tell you something," Yunho said pausing the TV and now looking at Mingi.

"What is it?"

Yunho then tells Mingi about Eun-Jung and what happened to her.

"Poor Eun-Jung, at least she's ok now," Mingi said with a sadness in his voice.

"You know Mingi..." Yunho fiddled with his fingers.

"What? You want to adopt her?" Mingi said jokingly and in a playful way.

"How do you know?!"

"Yo I was joking..." Mingi said feeling speechless.

"But I do feel like I want to adopt her, we would know in how does it feel to have a kid together, Mingi," Yunho sounded serious and spoke with a soft tone.

"I would love too and maybe we can, since we have another room that we don't use either,"

"Wait- REALLY?" Yunho stood up from his seat with wide eyes, as his excitement rises.

"Yeah sure, I'd love to feel how to be a parent too you know, so why not," Mingi smiled at Yunho.

They both go to the unused room, and it's pretty dusty since none of them use the room before. Both of them grab the cleaning tools and start to clean the room. The room already comes with a twin-sized bed, pillows, a desk set, a bedside table with a lamp on it, a wardrobe, and also a bathroom. They finally finished cleaning.

"Let's pick her up on Saturday," Mingi said while putting back the cleaning tools.

It's currently Thursday.

"Yeah sure," Yunho is excited about the thought of being a temporary parent of Eun-Jung.

Today is the day where they pick Eun-Jung up from the orphanage. On the way there, Yunho is really excited and Mingi awed by Yunho's excitement.

As they arrived, the care taker of the orphanage greeted them and lead them to the director's office when Mingi said that they are going to adopt Eun-Jung. After talking with the director, they sign the papers to adopt the little girl.

"Eun-Jung, meet your new parents!" Says the caretaker of the orphanage.

"EUN-JUNG!" Yunho shouted because he is so happy.

"YUNHO AHJUSSI!" Eun-Jung runs towards Yunho. Yunho opened his arms wide to hug Eun-Jung.

"You're the one who adopted me?" The little girl's eye sparkles.

"Yes! And this is Mingi, we're going to be your new parents Eun-Jung!"

"Hello, Mingi ahjussi," Eun-Jung waved at Mingi who is smiling and greets Eun-Jung warmly.

They got home and Eun-Jung is so excited to start her new life with Yunho and Mingi. They started a new chapter together. Yunho's mother also sometimes took care of Eun-Jung if both Yunho and Mingi are busy, for example, pick Eun-Jung up from school, make food for Eun-Jung, take her to play outside sometimes, until one of them came home. Eun-Jung loves how Yunho and Mingi takes care of her, she feels loved by them. Her past parent used to abuse her and doesn't really pay attention to her that much, but now she feels loved and comfortable living with Yunho and Mingi.


A/N: If you have some questions, leave some in the comments that you guys want me (the author) or characters to answer->

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