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About 3 months ago my mom and FP Jones started dating, even before that I was dating his son jughead Jones. We were about to tell our parents when we found out they were dating. The first family dinner was the most awkward thing ever. Jughead and I decided to keep dating behind their back. Often  I Sneek to jugheads room in the middle of the night and we cuddle. I told my mom I have nightmares sometimes so if she catches us I can just tell her I was scared and didn't want to wake her. My mom and juggie's dad went to a cabin for a few days so jug and I have the whole house to ourselves. We were cuddling on the couch when jughead said

J-Betty, we've been together for a while now and we've never had sex. If we want to do it we have to do it now that our parents aren't home.

It caught my surprise since he told me he wanted to wait, so I said B-I thought you wanted to wait? J-yea, but now I'm ready, I'm ready for you.

I smirked and kissed him. He kissed me back and leaned on top of me. We were making out for a while and I shoved my tongue in his mouth. He let it in and I turned us over so I was on his lap. I was kissing him intensely while he took of my shirt. We pulled away for a bit to take both of our shirts of.

He looked down at my breasts and looked a little nervous.

B-we don't have to do this if you're not ready babe J-oh I'm ready, I'm just not sure what to do. B-hmmm, well let's start with this.
I smashed my lips on his again and unbuttoned his jeans. He took of my skirt so I was only in my underwear. The nervousness seemed to be away. She flipped us over again so I was laying with my back against the couch and he was halfly on top of me and halfly next to me. He slipped his hands in my panties and slowly started rubbing my clit. It felt really good and I started to moan. He smirked and kissed my lips. He slowly slipped on finger in to me and moved it gently.

B-ahhhhh *moan* juggieee! More!

He put another finger in me and moved it a little faster. I moaned louder and louder. I felt this boner on my leg which made me even more horny. He noticed and put another finger in me. He gave me short kisses and in between he looked down at his hands. I felt I was about to cum.


My girlfriend Alice and I decided to stay in a cabin for a few days to have some alone time. We left our kids jughead and Betty home alone, they told us they'd be fine. I'm happy that jughead and Betty get along well. I once caught them both in jugheads bed, I was mad at first but Betty told me she had a nightmare and didn't want to seem like a little kid and wake her mother. I knew jughead and Betty go to the same school so I didn't think anything of it.

Today me and Alice decided to go home. We were supposed to stay another day but Alice was worried and wanted on check on Betty. We already had a few days for ourselves so I was fine with leaving early. We got our stuff in the car and drove back home.
We arrived home and Alice unlocked the door. When she opened it we heard soft sounds coming from inside. It were moans.

À-Oh my god, I think that's Betty.

We were about to walk away again and give her some time when I heard what she said

B-*muffled* ahhh juggie.

FP-ohh no. A-what? Maybe we should give my daughter some space FP-your daughter and my son you mean. A-what!? FP-listen to her moans. A-I can't believe I'm doing this.

She listened to the sounds and heard her daughter moaning my sons name.
A-oh no, this is not happening.

She stormed in. And there were our children having sex. They were both in their underwear and jughead was fingering Betty. As soon as they saw us jughead pulled a blanket over Betty and him

FP-son I can't believe you did this! Fuck the daughter of the woman I love! J-but dad... I love Betty. We were already dating before you got together. A-what!? Betty! You dated someone for that long without telling me!? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!?

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