public party

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C- come on Betty! You have to come! B- i dont know Cheryl, partys arent really my thing. C-betty you need to get laid, when was the last time you had se- B- okay! Okay ill come with you, but im not going to... well you know what
C-hmmm we'll see about that, lets get ready.

Cheryl and i went to my room. I changed into a short and thight dress to prove Cheryl im not that innocent. She walked in in a red sparkly dress
C- wow betty, you look good! B- thanks, you do too. C- lets leave okay? B- yes, im ready.

At the party
I had quitte a few drinks, so did cheryl. We were both completely drunk. We were dancing until some turned of the music and started talking
J- how about we play a round of spin the bottle? C- come on betty, lets join.

Normally i wouldnt do it but i was so drunk.
B- lets do it.
We all sat down in a circle and Veronica said lets spin, the first person it lands on has to kiss the second person it lands on. Lets spin.
She spun it and it landed on...
V-jughead jones... you get to spin to see who you are going to kiss.
He walked to the bottle and spun it. It kept spinning for what felt like ages but then it landed... on me...
I was really drunk and walked over to him. We were all sitting on the floor so i sat down next to him
J- let's do this babygirl. B- oh yea.
He leaned in and our lips touched, he kissed me softly but i wanted more. I leaned further and stradled his lap I stuck my tung in his mouth. We kissed for a minute and then i pulled away and sat back down.
J- that was nice princess B- princess huh?

Thwn the doorbell rang
V- ah, there is the rest. She opened the door and lile 100 people walked in. V-now the party can start.
She turned up the music all the way and dimmed the lights a little. We all started dancing and partying. It was about half an hour later and everyone was drunk when i saw jughead again
J- hello princess? B-hello handsome J-i liked our kiss earlier B- hmm me too. J- wanna repeat it? B- oh yes.
He leaned in amd roughly kissed me. I kissed him back and pushed him back a little
J-what are you doing? B- hmmm dont talk.
I pushed him on the chair standing in the corner and straddled his lap.
J- hmm i see what youre doing babygirl B-do you? I said seductevely.
His hands went to my thigts. He slipped them
under my dress and slowly rubbed them . I moaned into his mouth. He slid my panties to the side and slowly rubbed my clit. I moaned loudly, we were still in the room with everyone else but no one heard because of the loud music. He rubbed me faster and i kept moaning louder. Then i stepped of of his lap

J-what are you doing princess? B- you'll see.
I had noticed his boner through his pants. I unzipped his zip and pulled down his underwear. We were still in public but we were too drunk too care.
I took out his hard dick and licked the tip.
J- aahhh yes babygirl. I grabbed my head and forced his whole dick in my mouth, i started licking and rubbing it, he kept moaning and grunting
J-dont stop princess, keep going. He pulled my hair a little.
J-youre so fucking good! Aaahhh yess, i want to fuck you so bad. I stopped and looked at him, i
went closer  to him and whispered in his ear

B- how about we go find a room amd you can do whatever you want to me? J- how about i fuck you right here, in this room.
I didnt think and immidiatly said yes. I slid down his pants further and he slid of my panties.
J-lay down baby B- on the floor? J-yes, im gonna do so much to you princess. B- im looking foreward.
I laid down and he went to my head, he was sitting above me and leaned on top of me so his dick was in my face.
I started sucking it, it was soo big. He moved a little more so he was laying on top of me upside down so his dick was in my face and his face was by my pussy. I started licking his dick again amd he started trusting it in my mouth. He started licking my clit and i moaned again.
He kept trusting and licking, he was so good at
this. I wrapped my legs around his head. His toungue felt so good in me. I felt that i was about to cum and he was too.

J- ahhh babygirl youre so fuckable. Keep sucking im almost there B-ahhh me too! I moaned. We came in eachothers mouths.
He rolled over so he was next to me and sat up
B- that was so good J- im not done yet baby.
He sat down on the chair and said J-wanna fuck? B- oh yes.
I sat on his lap and rubbed my clit against his dick, i started licking and sucking his neck.
He lifted up my hips and slid his huge cock into me.
B-aaaahhhh its so big, aahhh yes! J-ride me baby. He whispered in my ear
I startes riding him while he grunted loadly
J-yes babygirl fuck yes, youre so good fuck!
We were going for a minute when we heard a voice

C- betty are you here? Im planning on leaving.

I stopped riding jughead and looked at her, she didnt notice his dick inside me.
B-cheryl... i was out of breath. I was about to talk again when juhead grabbed my hips and slowly started making me make circles on his lap. I didnt expect the sudden movement and let out a loud moan. Then cheryl realised
C-omg betty! Couldnt you two get a room! J- go away redhead, let me fuck her. Cheryl ran of and jughead helped me ride him again. A few moments later we both came.
J-Betty? B-yea? J-do you want to come home with me? Not for more sex, i actually want to get to know you. B-me too, but how about we go to my place? J-okay.
Jughead put his pants back on and i fixed my dress and put on my panties.
We walked out and the fresh air made us a little more sober
J-i cant believe we really just did that. He laughed. I laughed too and saidB- me neither, this is so not like me... actually, that was my first time... J-wait really? I took your virginity? B-yes, but i had an amazing time J-me too.

We went back home, cheryl was waiting inside
C-so had fun? B-sorry you had to see that cheryl... C- and hear that tonight i guess? J- we wont... i promise, i just want to get to know her better. B-lets go to bed okay?
We went to my bedroom. We both laid down in our underwear and i snuggled close to him.
That night i realised i had founfd the love of my life, and he knew too.

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