Doctor jughead

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It was a friday afternoon. I had to go to the doctor for an extremely embarrasing reason. I cant cum. I have a boyfriends named Archie andrews but for some reason i cant cum, i dont even get wet.
I was waiting in the waiting room until my name got called
D(doctor)-Elziabeth Cooper? B-yes thats me.
I stood up and looked at him... wow he was hot...
I walked up to him and he shook my hand.
D-hello im doctor Jones B-h-hi...
We walked to his office and i sat down on the chair.
D-so miss cooper- B-you can just say betty.
Wow... was i flirting?
D-okay, betty. I was looking through your files and looked at your problem, can you tell me about it?
B-oh yea uhm... i have a boyfriend and for some reason he doesnt turn me on and nothing really does... D-okay, would it be okay if i had a look at your private part? B-without clothes? D-yes, but if youre not comfortable with me doing it i can ask a female doctor to come in. B-no thats fine.

D-okay, then you can take of your pants and underwear and lay in this chair.
He pointed at a chair in the back of the room. I did what he said and sat down
D-okay, lets start.
He looked at me. It gave me a weird feeling, i felt like i wanted him...
D-betty, is it okay if i touch you? I have to if i want to do some tests. B-yea thats fine.
He softly touched me. It made me so horny and i felt myself getting wet. I saw him slightly smirking.
He pushed both his thumbs in me.

D-are you okay with this? B-y-yea...

He moved them slowly. It felt really good. Then he took them out and pushed one finger in really deep.
D-is this okay? B-y-yea just like that.
I was a little embarrased by what i just said but i had no time to think about it because he started moving his finger. I let out soft moans and he smirked. Then there was a knock on the door. Jughead grabbed a paper towel and got all my wetness away. Then he went to the door and opened it. The other doctor couldnt see me.
Od(other doctor)- hey Jones, everything okay in here? I heard sime weird noise. D-yea, just doing some tests. Od-oh okay.
The other doctor left again and my doctor walked back over to me.
D-can i continue? B-yes please.
This time he got two fingers in and moved them quicker.

B-hmmm just like that doctor J-you can call me jughead B-ahhhh yes jughead.

He kept going faster and faster and my legs began to shake.
B-im cumming! He continued and i let go. I came all over his hands.
J-okay, i have all the information i need. He grabbed another paper towel and cleaned me up again.
J-you can put your clothes back on and sit down.
I did what he said. We sat down and he said
J-so miss cooper, i think i know whats wrong B-which is? J-i think... that your boyfriend just cant satisfy you. B-you can... J-do you want to come over to my place? You're my last for today.
I nodded.
He walked me back to waitingroom and i left. A few minutes later he walked out too. We drove to a huge mansion

B-do you live here? J-i do, you like it? B-yea...

We walked in and jughead immideatly showed ms his bedroom.  When we were standing there he said
J-can we please have sex? Hot rough sex? The way he said it was so sexy.
B-fuck me doctor Jones.
He smirked and pushed me on the bed. We started making out and after a few minutes he took of his pants to reveal a huge boner. I looked at it and smirked.
J-you like that huh? B-yea.
He fully undressed me and then got handcuffs from his nightstand
J-i havent had sex in ages, i want to do everything to you. B-okay.
He tied my arms and legs to the bed and touched me ~everywhere~ then he got to my pussy and started licking it. He went rough, it was amazing. I moaned loudly.

B-ahhhh yes jugg! Hmmmm yessss!

J-you like that huh? B-yeaaa!
He kept going until i came in his mouth. Then he took all his clothes of and started jerking himself above me
B-please, go in me J-if you say so babygirl.
He rougly went in me and trusted in me.
B-holy fuck its so big! J-you like that huh? B-y-yea go harder!
He went faster and faster
J-are you on birthcontrol? B-y-yea cum inside of me!
He went even faster if thats possible.
B-jug! Im cumming! J-wait.
He untied me and flipped us over so i was on top of him
J-ride me baby B-okay.
I sank down on his huge dick and started bouncing up and down. I went faster and fasted until my legs started shaking
B-im gonna cum! I cant hold in anymore! J-okay do it!

I squirted all over him. He let go too and i felt his liquids deep i side of me.
B-that was nice, youre the best doctor ive ever had.
He smirked and pulled me closer. We cuddled for the rest of the night.

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