Betty sends Nudes

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(Jughead and betty are dating, betty is on a short vacation) i saw this idea somewhere else but i cant find it back so message me if you want me to delete it or credit :)

I was sitting in school with archie, betty my girlfriend is taking a short break. I was talking to archie when i got a message from betty
J-oh betty texted me, give me a second
I opened the text and saw a very sexy picture of betty, she was in just some sexy lingerie. She wasnt wearing make up and her hair was all messes up. Wow.... i felt myself getting hard
J-uhm i have to go to the bathroom...
Archie looked a little confused but nodded and i ran to the bathroom in the back of the school since barely anyone ever came there. I got in a stall and sat down. I opened my phone and looked at the picture, Betty is so fucking hot.... i felt myself getting even harder and i got my hard dick out of my pants. It was fully hard already so i carefully stroked it whyle staring at betty. I laid my phone on my lap so i could still see the picture. Then i got another notification, it was betty again. I opened it and saw a picture of her without a bra, her boobs are so perfect with that cute little birthmark on her left breast right next to her nipple. I took a few seconds to just admire her beauty. Then i laid my pgone back on my lap and started stroking my dick again. I grabbed it with one hand and rubbed the til with the other. I spit on my hand a little to make it go easier. I let out a quiet groan. I started slowly pumping myself up an down. Right when i started to go a little faster i got another text from betty. This time it was a picture of her from close up so i could see from the top of her head to her boobs that were still naked. I felt myself getting lost in her beautifull eyes even though it was just a picture. Then i started jerking again. I went faster then before. I softly moaned and went even faster. I spit a littlw on my dick and went faster. It felt so damn good. Thwm i wrapped both my hands around my dick and made them go up and down imagining it was bettys mouth I went faster and faster untill i felt my cum. I went slower to make the moment last longer. I looked bacm in bettts eyes and couldnt stop myself from cumming all over the stall doors. I grabbed some toiletpaper and whiped it away. Then i got my pants back on and went back to archie.
A-so... what did she send you making you go away for that long? I felt myself blush a little but then the bell rang so i just got back to class.
One week later
Still jug
Betty just got back today. She walked into the student lounge and asked
B-what have you guys been up to? A-well jugheads right hand has been up to a lot J-dude, dont A-betty, i dont know what you send him but he sprinted to the bathroom and stayed there for a long time J-Archie!
I got so emberassed and walked away. Bettt followed me and softly cupped my cheek
B-whats wrong juggie? J-im just emberassed by what archie told you... B-juggie... you dont have to be emberassed, i do it too J-wait really? B-yea, when im thinking of you ofcourse.
I smiled softly
B- and why do you think i send you those pictures?
I giggled and kissed her head
J-i love you B-i love you too

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