virgin betty and jughead

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Hey so ik this is kinda short but i wanted to post something so ye

Jughead and i were cuddling in bed, we have been together for about 2 years but we havent had sex yet. Were both virgins and only 16 years old.
J-betts? B-yea? J- ive been thinking about something... B-what? J-can i... touch you? B-how? J-can i finger you? Ive never done it before but i wanna try it and i wanna make you feel nice. B-okay, but be carefull. J-i will
I laid down on my back and jughead carefully unbuttoned my pants. He slid them down a little and put his hand in her panties. I felt myself getting wet from his soft touch. He smirked a

little and pulled down my underwear too.
J-youre so beautifull betty B-thanks juggie.
He softly rubbed my clut making me let out a small moan.
B-hmmm J-does that feel good? I nodded and leaned in to kiss him. As soon as i pulled away his gaze went back to his hand, i could see how nervous he was.
He pressed the tip of his finger in me. I gasped amd arched my back
J-are you okay baby? Did i do something wrong?
B-n-no juggie, just be carefull J-okay, tell me if i need to stop.
He pushed a little more in me and slowly started moving his finger. At first it hurt a little but after a little bit it felt so good.
B-hmm juggie deeper! J- okay baby.

He went faster. He was so foccused on his fingers and making me feel good. He pushed a little deeper and went faster
J-is this okay baby? Does this feel good?
I could sense how worried he was in his voice.
B-yes juggie keep going
He kept going and carefully pushed another finger in me.
B-ahhh juggie faster! Keep going! J-okay.
He went faster and deeper. A few minutes later he added another finger.
B-hmmmm juggiee! Im cumming!! J-okay baby, do it.
Not even a second later i came all over his fingers. He carefully pulled them out and whiped them clean on his shirt. He pulled back up my panties and buttoned my pants again.
J-was that okay baby? Did i hurt you? B- juggie, it was perfect. Thank you

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