ignorant juggie

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(Jughead and betty have been together for a long time but jughead barely gives betty any attention so they didnt have contact for a few weeks and now they meet again at pops)

J- betty? B-hey jug... i missed you J- i missed you too, and i promise ill be the best boyfriend you can imagine from now on.
He got closer to my face and his hot breath on my cheek made me let out a small moan. We havent had sex in ages and whenever we did do it it was like he was somewhere else with his mind.
B-i need you so fucking bad right now.
As soon as i said that he practically dragged me to the door. We sat on his motorbike and drove to my place since my mom wasnt home.

When we got in he immediatly pinned me on the wall and kissed me down my neck, i was
moaning of the thought about what we were about to do.
B-jug just fuck me already. He picked me up and carried me to my room, he laid me down on the bed and took of my dress. When i was only in my underwear i turned us around so i was on top. I sat down on him and slowly opened the buttons on his shirt. His hands went up my back making their way to my bra, he unclipped it and i slid it of. He massaged them in his hands and i let out a soft moan while i took of his shirt.
I sat higher on him so i was on his abs and rubbed myself against him. He moaned and put his hands on my thights
J-betts... B- you dont have to *moan* talk J-betts im sorry for treating you so bad, i love you so fucking much B- i love you too.
I lay down on him and he immideatly takes off my underwear leaving me completely naked. I

loosen his belt and unzip his pants. Im about to take his huge boner out when suddenly the door opens widely
A- ELIZABETH COOPER B-Mom!? Jughead quickly pulls a blanket on top of us B-get out! A-stop slutting around betty! B-mom i havent fucked anyone in weeks! Let me and jughead have a fun time A-not when im home! B- then leave becauss im about to fuck my boyfriend!
She walked out and slammed the door behind her. Jug looked at me J- do you still want to continue? B- fuck yes.
He threw away the blanket and helpen me take of his pants. His boner jumped out and if was even bigger then i remember
J-like it? B- you know i do. I sat downnon him and started moving my hips back and forth. Everytime he tried to touch me i slappen his hands away
J-fuck betty.... stop teasing me
I got of of him and went to his boner. I softly

licked the tip and started moving my hands up and down. He loudly grunted, which turned me on even more J- betts.... i want more... i started
sucking his dick as hard as i could and he moaned and grunted until i felt his liquids in my mouth
J- ahh! Yes baby! B-wanna continue? J-yes, but im in control. Im gonna make you feel so fucking good babygirl. He whispered in my ear. I moaned because of the feeling of his hot breath.
Then all of the sudden i felt his hand between my legs, he stuck 3 fingers in me and moved them around
B-yes jug! Ahhh! i missed this! Dont stop juggie ahhhh! J-you like that babygirl, let me use my dick then.
He moved on top of me and trusted in me. He kept going faster and faster and the sound of him grunting made me just want more and

more. He started kissing and licking my neck and i loudly moaned in his ear B- yes juggie! Dont stop keep going! J- fuck yes *groan*.
We were about to cum when my mom walked in again A-betty! I thought i was clear! Jug
stopped trusting in me and looked at my mom. I ignored her and whispered to jug B- dont stop, keep going jug J-are you sure? B-yes jug fuck me.
He started moving again and i moaned loudly, my mom kept watching but we didnt care. All i cared about was him. He kept going faster and faster. My legs started shaking and i knew i was about to cum
B-j-jug J- let it go babygirl. My mom was still standing in the doorway but i didnt care. I started squirting all my liquids out of me. Jug quickly pulled out before he got me pregnant

and put three fingers in me he moved them fast and i started jerking him really fast. He kept fingering me until he worked me through my orgasm. He came as well and i sucked all his liquids of of him. My hom had already left the room. I laid down on top of him and snuggled to his chest. J-i missed you betts, and im sorry for the way i treated you B- dont worry jug, you deffenetly made it up to me tonight. I softly kissed him and them we both fell asleep.

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