hopefully s5 (not smut)

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(so this is from season 5 what I hope will happen with betty and jughead)

Backstory: betty is with jughead (they are not together yet) and told him a little about what happened, betty is at archie and jugheads place and they're sitting on the couch.

J-I'm so sorry that happened to you betty. B-its okay, ill be fine really J-I'm always here to talk, always. B-thank you juggie. J-you know betty, I really missed you the past years B-I missed you too.

They looked in each other's eyes. Betty climbed onto jugheads lap straddling him. They smashed their lips against each other. They made out for a few minutes until betty started to take off their clothes, at first jughead let her but then he pulled away and stopped her
J-wait Betty, stop B-why? J-look Betts, you hurting and you're scared and I get you are. This is just not the right way to deal with it and I don't want to take advantage of you in any way.

A few tears escaped Betty's eyes as she listened to jugheads sweet and comforting words. She got of off his lap and sat back down next to him.

J-Betts, I really want to be with you, I really do but it think its better if you take a few days to make sure this, being with me, is really what you want and what is best for you right now, okay?

Betty nodded and snuggled closer to him.

J-in the mean time I'll be here for you whenever you need me, if you need a hug I'll hug you, if
you need to talk I'm here to talk, I'll always be here for you. I just don't want you to do anything you'll regret later.

Betty sniffled and said B-you're making me remember why I fell in love with you all these years ago J-that's what I'm here for.

Jughead whispered and kissed her head softly and pulled her closer.

J-how about we go to my bed and just watch a movie and maybe cuddle for a while not having to worry about anything? B-id love that.

They went upstairs and watched a comedy movie so they could be distracted from everything. After a while betty fell asleep in jugheads arms, he looked at her and couldn't help himself from thinking about all the
moments they had spent together and how much he loved her. he had really missed her all this time. Then archie walked in. he was clearly surprised to see betty laying next to and on top of jughead.

A-jug what the hell? J-what? A-why is betty here with you? J-she needed someone to talk to so she came to me A-she already talked with me, I already helped her J-dude, saying 'oof that sucks' an then offering her to fuck is not how you help someone. A-well she wanted it J- she's hurt archie! She just wants to feel comforted. A-that's what I did! J- look arch, I don't want her to get hurt. A- I loved her all this time and she loves me back, you cant just fuck her and expect me not to get mad at you! J-I didn't make love to her, we just talked and cuddled, really.

Betty woke up in jugheads arms and heard the boys argue. She listened for a while and then interrupted them

B-guys, come on! Jughead is right, I just wanted to feel comforted but the way I did that was wrong and I realize that now. A- but I thought we really had something. B-we agreed that it was nothing arch, and I still love jug... I'm sorry.

Archie stormed out and betty looked at jughead.

J-you still love me? B- yes, so much. I've never forgiven myself for how much I hurt you and I'm still so sorry. J-its okay betty, we were young and dumb but were not like that anymore.

Betty smiled softly and laid her head back on jugheads chest

J-betty? B-yea? J- will you be my girlfriend again? B-yes, I'd love that.

She softly kissed his lips snuggled as close to him as she possibly could. Like that they fell asleep.

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