12 - Problems at Hand

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Once the tears had finally died down, (it took about 10 minutes since they're old and emotional) they sat back on the couch, both of them feeling like their bond had grown much stronger. Well, that was until Anakin decided to drop another bombshell.

"Um Obi-wan? There's more." Obi-wan raised his eyebrow and signalled him to continue. Surely nothing could be worse than marrying someone when you're strictly forbidden, right? Thought Obi-wan.

"Padme's pregnant." Obi-wan felt a huge surge of joy at that point, and he wasn't sure why. Sure the boy he had trained and watched grow up had broken the order, but that wasn't something to be happy about, was it? That's when he realised (he effed up lol) that Anakin was much more than a student to him, he was his brother. And his brother was going to have a family, and Obi-wan refused to cry again so he closed his eyes, willing the tears back.

"Uh Obi-wan? I know I've been a horrible Jedi and I've broken the order but I really need your help. I've been having these dreams like the ones I had about my- my mother dying but this time it's Padme and I can't lose her I won't please please I can't I" Anakin rambled, Obi-wan shushing him at the end to take all of this information in.

"What are you going to name it?" Obi-wan stated simply. Anakin didn't answer, instead he sat there dumbfounded. He was expecting Obi-wan to say something about some old Jedi story that shows how to defeat death, or he was going to tell him how to save Padme directly, basically anything other than what his future child's name was going to be.

"I just told you that I think Padme's going to die and your asking what my child's names is going o be when there's a chance he or she is going to die with Padme?! This is almost as bad as Master Yoda's advice." Anakin said worriedly.

"You told Master Yoda?" Asked Obi-wan. "No, I said I was having premonitions of someone close to me dying, and he said 'Learn to let go of everything you fear to lose' and I don't know what that means, just forget about them? That sounds like pretty bad advice." Anakin said, mimicking the old masters voice when saying what Yoda said.

"That is pretty bad advice." Obi-wan said, stroking his beard. "But I asked you that one because I'm genuinely curious, and two because you need to focus on the positive. It is impossible for someone to cheat something as natural as death, and trying is just going to make your premonitions become true. Remember Anakin, the future is always in motion, what you have seen is not set in stone. So instead of worrying about this, consume your thoughts about how wonderful it's going to be to have a family, and if you decide to leave the Jedi order, just know I support you and will be a great uncle Obi-wan." Obi-wan said with a smile.

"Uncle, huh? I was thinking something more like grandpa." Anakin said with a smirk on his face. "For goodness sake Anakin I'm not that old." Obi-wan said, rolling his eyes but the smile remaining on his face still. The two drifted off into a comfortable silence, Anakin feeling relieved that he now actually had some light on this whole situation, and Obi-wan happy he helped his brother get a grasp on his future.

"Leia." Anakin said, breaking both his and Obi-wan's thoughts. "What?" Said Obi-wan, completely confused about what Anakin just said. "Leia," he repeated with a huge grin on his face. "If it's a girl I want to name her Leia. It means 'fierce' in a few dialects on Tatooine, Padme only agreed with it cause it means royalty or princess in Nubian lore. We aren't sure on boys names yet but Padme likes Ruwee, after her father, or Luke."

"I think Luke. Luke Skywalker, has a nice ring to it." Obiwan said, still smiling. "Whatever you say Uncle Obi-wan," Anakin said with a wink, and the rest of the day was the two men discussing names and plans for when Anakin's child comes along, smiling the entire time.


 Hello there.

I wrote this chapter at like 6 this morning so ye. It's short and ✨cringy✨ 

Once again, sorry for the previous author note lol.

Thx for reading!

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