Dust and Darkness

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- Dust and Darkness

"Quick the window Daniel!" Whispered Jack, panicked and pointing towards the only window that was in the old shed. It was full of grub and dust, one could barely see out through it, worse than that though, was that it was not the type of window that could be opened.

"Break it!" Continued Jack to his friend, trying to contain his panicked voice to as low a level as possible! Time was running out. The whistling was close now, almost at the door. Daniel looked at Jack blankly, his face appeared scared and confused. It was clear to Jack that his pleas were not getting through, his friend was drifting off into a shock like state. He would need to smash the window himself and he would need to do it quick!

"Move Daniel." Shouted Jack, as he lifted a large tin, full of old paint. With a little struggle and a lot of energy, he threw it straight towards the window. It moved ferociously as it swirled right past the dazed Daniel, just missing his frightful face before flying straight into the middle of the old window smashing the old grubby and moulded glass into many, many pieces. It worked, much to Jack's honest disbelief, he was never very good at throwing things.

There was no time to admire his shot though, for although the noise of the shattering of the window had seemingly woken Daniel out of his daze and finally into action, the noise of it and the noise of Jack's shouting had most definitely alerted, whoever was coming, to their presence. - The sound of whistling could be heard no more, as Daniel slowly started making his way through the window, Jack right behind him urging and pushing him to get a move on, while at the same time looking fearfully back towards the door. The handle was turning.

"Go Daniel! Go!" He shouted as the door swiftly flew wide open. Jack looked back in horror! And he had every right to be horrified, for behind him in the doorway there stood a man! It wasn't that the man looked evil, that alarmed Jack, for he looked normal enough, rather it was the fact that he was angry as he surveyed the situation — he looked at the body on the ground and then towards Jack and then back to the body. His eyes became fiery with immense rage and he immediately launched himself towards the window and towards Jack.

Daniel who was quite larger in body compared to Jack, finally fell through the window as Jack gave him a welcomed shove. Without even thinking about it, Jack quickly tried to follow his friend out though the broken window frame, cutting his hands and side on the broken glass shards in the process, ignoring any need for carefulness. He was almost through but for the grip of two hands on his feet. He appealed for Daniels help as he began to slide back through the window against his will.

"Get off me! Get off me! Daniel!" He shouted as he again began to be pierced by the broken glass.

For a few splits seconds it looked to Jack that his friend was going to leave him. Daniel had that unsure look in his eyes of someone in two minds. But in the end, he stayed true to Jack and after a few precious seconds, he did what what any true best friend would and grabbing Jack hands, he began to pull him back through the window, luckily just before it was too late.

Jack now was in a extreme game of tug of war between his best friend and what appeared to be a psycho killer — it was utterly unpleasant and to Jack's logical mind, there could only be one winner. His friend Daniel was bigger than him for sure but not as strong as a grown man. Jack began to think of death. He began to give up, as the stranger pulling his feet appeared to be luring and luring him further back through the window.

Jack looked firmly at Daniel, who was holding his arms tightly, determinedly pulling them with great effort in the opposite direction of the man. Jack groaned out in fear and pain, it was no use. The determined effort of his friend was only delaying the inevitable and was bloody well hurting. He could take no more and was about to tell Daniel to just let go and run! But before he could, his friend looked back at him, knowing what Jack was thinking, and his faithful face declared that he would have none of it. He pulled Jack once more this time with all his strength. It was brave, valiant and heroic but still it did not work.

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