Chocolate and Junk

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(Author Note - My Wattpad friend @Nidhi125 sent me an awesome drawing of Lallana that she drew and so I thought I'd let you all see it. I shared it under the picture media at the side. I really like it! Let me all know what you think in the comments! Is it how you pictured her? :) Also if anyone else has artistic skills and wants to draw Lallana or some of the other characters too then I'd love to see them! So please feel free! :) Hope you all like the new chapter and I want say a big thank you to Nidhi for the drawing!! Love it!)

- Chocolate and Junk

"I saw Emily on the bus." Said Jack solemnly, as he and Daniel sat on their makeshift chairs in their makeshift hut. The chairs being made of old wooden crates that they had found nearby and their hut no-more than - the remains of an old storage shed once used by the forestry service but now seemingly abandoned. It was damp, grubby and filled with junk. But at least it was theirs! And for Jack there was no other place he wanted to be right now, more than there. - Away from his mother, away from school and more importantly away from 'The Blazer Gang'.

Jack and Daniel had found the place at the start of the summer and had spent many days there — messing about and doing the crazy things that young boys liked to do. In the mind of Jack especially — the hut was but a fine fortress and the junk was - but rare treasure that he and Daniel had acquired and to Jack's mind he was determined that no one was going to take it from them. Here - they were kings! Here - they would be safe!

"Did she wave to you?" Asked Daniel sarcastically. Jack knew that his friend didn't much like Emily and could never understand why Jack obsessed over her. Which was something Jack himself could not explain, except that whenever she was in view of his eyes - then they entirely became fixed to and entranced by, her. No fault of her own of course for she had never even spoken to Jack - nor give him any real reason to like her. It was just one of those things. Another dream of Jacks - that would never come true. He had heard over the summer that she had begun dating Richie -one of the Blazers and when he sat beside her on the bus this morning it seemingly proved true. And although it broke Jack's heart a little. He could deal with that. It was the fact that she joined in — in the pointing and laughing - that's what really cut him up.

"No she didn't see me I don't think." Replied Jack, trying to make his face look as honest as possible.

"Ignored you more like." Replied Daniel quickly and not convinced at all that Jack was telling the truth.

"Why do you always do that? Snapped Jack. Annoyed that at his friend. Even though it was the truth.

"Do what?" Said Daniel, knowing full well what he had done.

"Put her down all the time and make her out to be some nasty bitch. She's a nice girl and I like her and . . .

"Because she is a nasty bitch Jack and you make her out to be something that she's not. You don't see what she's like. You don't try. And she certainly doesn't like you. In fact she's said . . . well . . . never mind. Believe whatever you like about her. I don't care!" Interrupted Daniel before backing off, realising that he might go too far.

"She is NOT! And what do you mean? What did she say? She spoke about me?" Replied Jack, angry and inquisitively.

"It doesn't matter Jack. Let's just talk about something else. I'm hungry anyways; do you want a chocolate bar? I got a whole packet!" Replied Daniel avoiding eye contact with his friend and quickly reaching for his rucksack and rummaging through it for the chocolate.

"No! TELL ME!" Shouted Jack, his anger quickly turning into unreason as Daniel offered him some chocolate.

"I don't want any damn Chocolate!" He shouted further standing up and kicking over his crate in anger!

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