Sewer Rats - Part 2

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(To all my regular readers I apologise for the delay in updating. I thank you for still sticking with my story. And I promise over the next two weeks lots of new chapters to make up for the delay! Thank you all for reading. :)

- Sewer Rats - Part 2

"The reason for that my good gentlemen is that . . . I . . . well my . . . my partner in this prosperous endeavour, turned out to be such a scoundrel and . . . and . . . well the fool has only gone and ran off into the darkness down there and has quite unprofessionally left me sitting here all alone, and well . .  . he was in such a fright that he took all the equipment with him on his back." Declared Ebra exasperatedly and convinced to himself that he was done for and that now his time was surely up!

The two Sewer Dwellers looked at each other puzzled. Ebra was sure they were finally on to him and that at any moment, their knives would be upon him slashing and cutting. But with little to lose he composed himself and gave them a big cheesy grin. It was really all he could do as he prepared to close his eyes for what was surely to come.

"Well now . . . Don't fret, we know what it's like young Sir, we been in the business a lot longer than you lad and from our experience you just can't find they right type of people any more! I don't know what the world is coming to! There was a time you know, when a creatures word was his damn word, but now, between you and me son . . . well these days, I wouldn't even trust my own granny!" Said the Guv, shaking his head in disgust, as Ebra's stopped himself just short of closing his eyes, his heart almost popping out of his stomach.

They were actually believing him, he could not believe it. They really were stupid he thought as they lowered their knives and he began to relax once again. Perhaps gaining passage through the sewers would be easier than he first thought!

"But Guv, your Granny is dead! How you going to trust her if she's dead?" Asked Gumdor confused .

"Well I know she is dead Gumdor, you idiot! I mean . . . well it's a figure of speech, bloody hell you really are aren't half daft sometimes. Showing us up in front of the good lad here." Declared the Guv, agitated and annoyed at the stupidity of his companion, even going as far as to slap him on the back of his head.

"What did you do that for? I was only explaining. And I don't think it's right what you said." Stated Gumdor seriously and defiantly.

"What don't you think is right?" Snapped the Guv, his eyes rolling over and his face unhappy at Gumdor challenging him, as Ebra looked on dearly trying to contain his laughter at the brainlessness of the two.

"That you wouldn't trust your granny if she was alive, that's not right Guv! If my granny was alive I'd trust her and I'd bloody trust yours too! Said Gumdor with all seriousness in his heart.

"Lovely woman she was, his granny." Continued Gumdor towards Ebra this time, as the Guv looked on, his face turning red and his temper quickly boiling inside.

"GUMDOR! SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" Shouted the Guv, his voice, face and mannerisms full of forceful rage and ferocious anger!

"But I was only . . . " Started Gumdor before the Guv quickly interrupted.

"Not one word, don't say a further word!" Declared the Guv sharply and pointing his finger up and down towards the bewildered face of his accomplice.

"My good friend, we have unfinished business with this young gentleman here. Now it is unprofessional of us to keep him waiting! Said the Guv finally calming himself and in the process quieting Gumdor completely.

"Sorry Guv." Replied Gumdor accepting his chastisement quite submissively.

"Now young sir, so your scoundrel was with you and got scared and went down there?"

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