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- Run

Captain Elmar, Lallana and the rest of the Ranger Troop had travelled far north into the deep, dark forest. It was as far away as Lallana had ever set foot from her home, 'The Elf City of Merkia'. And it was as far north as most of the Rangers in the Troop had ever been. Which was not in the least, at all welcomed by the majority of Rangers in the group, for the trees in this part of the forest were twisted, overgrown and some say, even Evil. The air too was foul and repellent, as if it could at any moment choke all those who breathed it in. Few creatures lived this far north and even fewer of those who did, were considered in any way civilised or non hostile.

An uneasy feeling came over the Ranger Troop, as if someone or something was watching them, even Darian the Scout felt it, which did nothing at all to put Lallana and the others at ease. Only the Captain remained, unfazed and unafraid, although he too was alert, to a presence in the dark.

"We will camp here tonight." Said Captain Elmar, as he grounded the troops to a halt, some half relieved at finally getting to stop to rest for the night, others feeling uneasy at the chosen spot. It was a most dreary, gloomy and bleak looking place, hard ground, full of rocks and old creepy ruins.

What was this place wondered Lallana to herself, as her eyes peered all around in slight amazement. At first glance, it was no more than stumps of old stones and rubble but there was plenty of it and so she thought, it must have once been something grand in its day, considering the extent. But what was it? And how did it get built here, deep in a thick forest? It must have been old she thought, ancient even.

Her mind immediately began to wonder, for she had a liking for all things ancient; old ruins, antique artefacts and the rich stories behind them. Her father, 'The Great Grey Elf had long told her stories of old. She had grown up on them and he even had an extensive library full of old and obscure books, inside of which, were very ancient tales indeed, some good, some bad and other tales very sad. She wondered if these ruins had any place in her father's books! Perhaps they too have a tale to tell she thought, before her thinking was quickly interrupted, by the sound of Darian's deep voice.

"We cannot stay here!" He said to captain, serious and full of intent.

"This place is Evil, it is cursed." He continued.

"We stay where I say. We can use these ruins for shelter and for defence too if need be. We will find no better place than this Darian. There is harshness in the air tonight." Replied the Captain sharply, annoyed at Darian's outspokenness, afraid that it might spook the others.

Darian, sensing this moved closer and whispered discreetly, so that only the Captain and Lallana who stood closest to them could hear.

"Aye there is but as Troop Scout I feel I obliged to say to you, that we must move on, for if we linger here too long, I fear this place will swallow us up. - It will offer us no shelter, only death!"

"Have you gone mad Darian? Listen to yourself? I do not expect such insane ramblings from you. We stay. We have no choice." Said the Captain defiantly, trying to assert who was in charge but also a little taken back by the fear in Darian's eyes. Never had he seen him afraid before.

Darian stared at the Captain blankly, and for a second it looked like mutiny was entering his eyes. Lallana gripped her left Knife handle, sensing that neither was going to back down, such was the unfriendly atmosphere.

"So be it then, my captain." Said Darian as he seemed to come to his senses.

"But it is clear to me that in the morning, one of us will be the fool and if it is me, then I will be most glad but unfortunately Captain, I think in the morning, we will both most likely be dead." He continued before standing down and accepting the Captains order. The captain stared at Darian without uttering a word for what seemed an eternity. It almost looked to Lallana that he might change his mind and take Darian's advice, but she knew the Captain, he was stubborn and once his mind was made, it remained that way.

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