Into the Woods

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- Into the Woods

"Well, well, well, look who we have here boys. It's the little princess Jacqueline,' came a menacing voice from behind the fence which was quickly followed by laughter of approval from others, as Daniel lay crouched hidden in the growth of the thick bushes. Oh no he thought to himself, Jack must finally be here, princess Jacqueline of course being the silly name that William Butler, the self appointed leader of 'The Blazer Gang' often used all last year to taunt Jack with.

"Did you miss us Princess? We definitely missed you and that fatty girlfriend of yours". Continued William, his voice as sharp and hurtful as the words it was spouting.

"Yeah where is fat Danielle this morning then, did she dump you?" Said a deep voice, followed more laughter. This time Daniel instantly recognized it straight away, it was Johnny Nash, who was the member of 'The Blazer Gang that both he and Jack hated most. Johnny was the biggest out of the gang and he was a year older than the rest, having been kept behind a year. He wasn't very bright or very witty, not like William, but he was huge and his punches hurt like hell. The muscle of the gang, his loyal fists alone gave William who wasn't really that big, but definitely nasty, the authority to rule the school.

"I don't know where he is and he is not my girlfriend, he is my best friend and way cooler than any of you are or ever will be!" Suddenly said a friendly voice, from beyond the bushes and the fence. It was a voice that Daniel knew very well but his ears scarcely believed the words in which the voice was delivering. It was definitely Jack but was he saying? What was he doing?

It wasn't like Jack to challenge them like this and it wasn't wise to do so, Daniel thought. Scared and sweating with nerves, but concerned for his friend, he reluctantly crept closer to the voices behind the fence. Moving along in the dirt, slowly on his hands and knees, he finally found a small gap in the white painted wooden fence at which to peer out through.

"What did you just say you little worm!" Shouted Johnny! Immensely angry at Jack's new found apparent lack of fear towards him. Daniel looked on afraid through the tiny hole in the fence, his heart racing as Johnny moved forward closer to Jack, dangerously going in for the kill. The other members looking on with glee, especially William, happy that the new school year was about to begin exactly the same as how last year ended, with his 'Blazer Gang' once again at the top of the food chain, acting like a frenzy of sharks devouring a little fish.

"Get away from me, you big stupid ogre." Said Jack defiantly as Johnny's rather large hands fell down on Jack's shoulders and like the claws of a big bear grabbed him securely into an inescapable grip. Jack slithered and struggled, but his defiance and resistance was of no use. He was but a wounded animal surrounded by a pack of wild wolves, entirely at their mercy.

"Let go. Let go of me." He shouted. As Daniel watched on still hiding behind the fence, wanting very much to get up and help his only friend, but finding his body so filled and gripped with fear, he just simply couldn't move. Johnny by now had got Jack from behind and into a hold by the throat. The other members of 'The Blazer Gang' now free to attack at will and one by one, that is what they each cowardly started to do.

First up was Lee, the smallest of the gang, but the most vicious and vile. He was almost psychotic by nature and loved kicking things. He steadied himself and disturbingly, smiled at Jack before launching his right foot straight into Jack's right leg, connecting firmly with the kneecap. Jack bellowed in pain as Daniel agonizingly and secretly looked on before turning away as Lee launched his foot again, only this time directly hitting the kneecap on Jack's left leg.

Once more Jack cried out in pain as the other gang members laughed. Again Daniel still stayed hidden, his friend severely getting beaten but he unable or unwilling to help. Next up was Kevin, the quietest member of the gang, the one who didn't say much, but was every bit as menacing and mean as the rest.

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