//Old Man//

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(I'm writing this on my phone so please comment corrections for any mistakes you come across. As well I will be re-publishing this once I've updated it on my laptop) 

"What can we do?" Emma's voice trembled slightly as she spoke. "This is really... B06-32..." She fingered the pen in her hands nervously as everyone looked around.

"What does it mean?"  "There's nothing here!" Everyone was murmuring nervously and I sighed, looking around for the entrance hopefully. We'd been walking for so long my feet were hurting and my throat parched.

"Oi Ray." I called after him, no longer caring particularly about messing up the timeline. "Check your pen now. Being in this location will probably trigger a release on the rest of the information." Reina and Ray who were in possession of the two pens gasped along with everyone else- thankfully distracting the kids who were about to enter a panic themselves.
Reina and Ray opened the screens on their pens and entered the passcode 'History'. In that moment the map opened up and the two of them gasped once again. 

"It's a map..." Reina hummed.

"There's an underground entrance!" Ray exclaimed. "Around that area! Go look for it!" He pointed to the left and all the kids immediately swarmed the area. 

Meanwhile I took a break, sitting cross-legged on the rocky ground. Meeting Yuugo soon would likely require some energy itself, so at least I had an excuse to relaxing at a time like this. 

There was a faint crash followed by the sound of Emma's voice.

"Ray! Look! Something's happening!" She called, pointing in the direction of where the entrance would soon be accessible. 

I yawned and stood up, brushing off my knees. We all walked over to the entrance and peered down the dark hole. 

"Welp!" I said happily, stretching out my back. "In I go!" Without a moment's hesitation I began climbing down first. 

"Wait- shouldn't we make sure it's safe first?!" I heard Chris call from above.

"I'm sure it's fine." I heard Reina say calmly, following my descent.

- - - - -

"This is... an underground shelter for human beings...?" Ray's voice echoed through the seemingly empty shelter.

"No, it's obviously shelter for talking dolphins." I said, placing my hands on the walls. "It smells fishy."  I turned to all the other kids to see them all giving me looks of equal concern and disgust, Ray especially.  "...I'm kidding." I reassured them to no avail.

"Emma!" I heard Jemima suddenly call out. "I heard someone from behind that door!" She said, tugging on the ginger's sleeve.

"She's right..." Hayato was saying, his head leaning into the door and listening. The mood suddenly turned tense as we all approached, Emma knocking hesitantly.

"Hi there." Yuugo's voice rang out through the room, sending chills down my spine. "You've come a long way. Congrats... and welcome to shelter B06-32." 

"Congrats my a*s..." I muttered under my breath, Ray giving me a side-glance. I shooed his question away and turned back towards the old man I'd cried over so many times.

And then he continued munching on his cookies, crumbs spraying everywhere. He then took a gracious slurp of that teacup of his and I snorted. Air tea. I knew he wasn't right in the head beforehand but...this is something else.

After a few minutes of silent suffering Emma broke the silence with a quick question; "Are you Mr. Minerva?" She asked, curiously and hope in her voice.

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