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"Hey, Violet... what about that boy?" We'd finished gathering all the information from 'Marvin's' bed and had finished re-explaining the lack of human villages, Ray expressed his curiosity of the other boy. 

"Oh, you mean Adam?" Violet asked. Remembering what occurred shortly after this I waved and walked up to Adam, following him around like a dog trailing after its owner. 

"Hello!" I exclaimed towards the massive boy. He looked to me originally unemotionally,  until he caught sight of my face which bore so much resemblance to Norman's. "22194...22194...22194..." He began repeating, gesturing to my neck. I feigned surprise and exclaimed "Oh!" I covered my mouth in shock and fell backwards onto my but. Ouch. But it was an important part of my acting.  

"What's up?" Ray asked as he and Violet approached. 

"He-he just spoke!" I exclaimed stupidly. Violet raised her eyebrows.

"What did he say? Did he say actual words?!" She asked curiously. 

"No... he just said..." I gulped, turning to Ray. "22194..." I muttered. 

"Oh." Violet said boredly. "Same as usual, then." But Ray's face was that of shock. He was sweating buckets, his fists clenched.

"...A coincidence..." He murmured, his fists clenching and unclenching again.

"...it may be a coincidence but he said it after seeing my face- and then he began pointing to my neck..." I said, pushing myself to my feet. Ray and I shared some intense eye-contact. 

"I don't get it." Violet stated, out of the loop. "What's the issue?" 

I looked at her and bit my lip. "22194 was the number of one of our comrades who was shipped out, who happened to look a lot like me..." I murmured. When I looked to Ray I wondered if speaking further was a good idea. Could he react impulsively and decide to storm Lambda instead of focusing on the 7 walls like I explained to him? But I decided to put my trust into his sensibility this time and continued. "You don't think..." I began, Ray looking at me in interest. "Maybe Adam is from the Lambda farm?" I said, looking between Violet and Ray. "His symbol isn't in any of the books we looked through..."

"The what?" Violet asked, but I waved her question away with a quick explanation.

"An experimental farm." I looked to Ray once again. "Do you think it's possible?" I asked him.

"It's a possibility..." Ray said, grabbing his chin in his thoughts. "But it's too likely to be a coincidence for us to rely on it." He finished, calming down a little. I released a pent up breath. Maybe this was the right idea after all.

"But we can still allow ourselves to hope... that he's still alive?" I phrased it like a statement but asked it like a question. Ray nodded.

"For now... but we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves..." He murmured, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I smiled.

"Good idea. But I have one more thing I want to try." I bent down to Adam and showed me my neck which read 20294. Adam responded by stopping his repentance of Norman's number. He looked extremely shocked. 

"...94? ...2...20294?" He spoke as if questioning his own memory. He reached out his hand as if to touch my face and suddenly recoiled. He shook his head slightly, almost as if twitching. "22194." He said once again, this time more sure of himself. "22194." He said again, gaining reassurance the more he spoke. 

I smiled. "Thank you Adam." 'this pretty much confirms if for Ray- that what he's saying is in fact an identification code from Gracefield farm- and is also belonging to Norman specifically, judging by the recognition that was palpable on the boy's face.

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