//Rat Downfall//

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The answer is: It's a whole human world chap! Rejoice! Ray and Norman and Rat man #2 make an appearance!

(I'm filling in the gaps from the last chap. 😼😼)

Cover is a super sexy wip by urs truly😛✋‼️


"Sir! Two of the escapee children request an audience with you." Mike Ratri's secretary spoke, stepping into his office, an urgent expression on his face.

Mike Ratri's eyes narrowed slightly. "Let them in."

He waited at his desk a few minutes before the door opened once again, his bodyguards letting 2 tall young boys into the room.

What were their names again? The Ratri couldn't be bothered to remember. "If you're here to ask about the girl, there's still been no sign of her." He sighed, pulling open his cabinet and placing a few files inside it.

"We're not here to ask about that this time." The light-haired boy spoke, his shocking blue eyes sparkling in a way that made the elder white-haired man nervous. "Rather, we'd like to inquire about what you're hiding from the general public."

"The promise." The other boy spoke, blowing a bang of black hair out of his face. The way his dark green eyes shone made Mike wish his office was a little better lighted. "-And the whole situation of the demon world. I can't help but notice that none of the people living here know what the foundation of their life in this world has been built on."

Mike Ratri swallowed dryly. "What are you trying to imply?" He spoke coldly, pressing his fingertips together. The two boys now had his full attention. For good or bad reason, he would take good care to remember their names after this interaction.

"Mike Ratri, we didn't come here to imply anything." The pale-haired boy spoke simply, shrugging. He then placed a hand on the man's desk, and leaned forward ominously- though his facial expressions were still very pleasant- dare he say, kind, even. "We came to threaten you."

"Threaten-" Mike Ratri sputtered momentarily before regaining his businesslike composure. The man was irked at the demeanour of these children and stood from his desk, standing a little above the height of the two boys. "You'd dare to threaten me, who has provided aid in your search and helped you find a place to live? Preposterous."

"We're preposterous people, I suppose." The albino boy shrugged, his kind smile twisting into a slightly more pressing one.

This time, the other boy took the lead, stepping up towards the man's desk. "I know you have another gate between worlds hidden away somewhere- a gate not even X knows about."

The man paled, looking up to the sky. Because now that it's existence was spoken out loud, the pesky god undoubtably would find out of the secret entrance, that had been build and kept secret for the good part of a thousand years. "I'm not sure what you're talking about." Mike Ratri spoke coldly, his fingers twitching as he considered calling in his bodyguards to forcefully escort the boys out.

"If you tell me the location yourself and allow us passage, we will refrain from spilling any details of the atrocities that took place under your family's supervision to the public." The black-haired boy spoke, placing his hands on Mike Ratri's desk and leaning forward. "If you don't, then..." He rescinded his hands from the desk and placed them in his pockets, blowing slightly on the bangs that partially obscured his left eye.  "Well... Let's not go until details yet."

"We'll leave you with this." The white-haired boy cut in, placing a slip of paper detailing a phone number on it. "Call me with your decision before tomorrow, else we decide for you."

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