//Death Sprint//

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As they got out of their cave Y/n started grabbing scarfs from her bag and handing them out.
Don started speaking about how it was a good thing it was winter when Nat and Reina interrupted him with the fact that the caves don't open outside of winter in the first place. The two kids from the other plants looked at eachother in shock before smiling.

Good. Y/n was glad she chose to bring them along. Y/n then spotted the water plants mentioned in the manga as Ray found the same ones in another area. Y/n called Hayato, who had the jars etc, to help her fill them all up. After she was done she gave them to some people to drink and put the rest into Hayato's bag.

"Heavy?" She asked. Hayato shook his head.

"It's fine." 

Y/n smiled and looked over to Emma and Ray who were starting their conversation over the pen. Y/n walked up to them and listened, surprised that this time she understood exactly how the coordinates worked despite her continuous confusion whenever she read about this part in the manga.

"Oh!" She spoke at the same time as Ray. 

"Right now, we're at area B 06-32... in other words we're headed south within the eastern portion of the plane this thing is based off!" They said simultaneously. Y/n looked to Ray with a big grin on his face and he looked proud to, but they quickly looked away awkwardly.

"You two are freaky!" Emma shouted. "How could you figure it out so f-... Oh my GOd" She inched away from Ray and Y/N as if they were crazy.

"Hahaha!" Y/N laughed, pulling her scarf up to her chin against the cold.

"I mean, it's pretty simple if you think about it..." Ray said, shrugging. 

"When I first looked at this projection back in the house it was just a plain 00-00 with no letter." Emma said, staring intently at the projection.

Ray hummed. "I see."

"So right now, we're directly east of the house!" Y/N exclaimed, happy to be part of the conversation and understanding what was going on.

"Since it was B 01-14 before we must've gone back a little north since then." Ray explained. "So, how did you figure out this was our location?" Ray continued, questioning the red-head. 

"Here." Emma said, handing Ray the silver checkered pen. "Norman said that we'd figure it out if we looked at the pen- and if not you or Y/N would be able to figure it out..." Emma paused, turning to Y/N. "As you have your own pen you probably already know, though." She smiled.

Y/N pulled out her own pen and inspected it. Its metal was cold in her hands and she turned it around, continuing to inspect it. The weight of the pen was familiar in her hands after the months she'd spent holding it. Y/N turned to watch as Ray figured out how the pen worked. Y/N then opened it up herself and stared at the screen which contained the owl of Mr. Minevera surrounded by morse code. Whilst waiting and prepping for escape she'd taken upon herself to learn morse code- which she surprisingly picked up quite easily. Tracing the dots and pauses as Ray did she read to herself 'touch me'. 

Already knowing what it said without morse code didn't seem to affect her fascination with the hologram. It was unlike anything in the real world. When she touched it her hand didn't go through the screen. A faint buzz was felt under them as the page switched to a key pad. Y/N touched the small 'A' button at the bottom and then typed in the password for the other pen, 'HUMAN'. The page changed again and Y/N read the message identical to the message currently emanating from Emma and Ray's pen. Poppy, Reina, and Hayato took notice of what the three older kids were doing.

"Oh! That's so cool!" Poppy exclaimed. 

Hayato hummed, reaching out a hand and touching the glowing page that lay in front of them. "Strange. In all the books I read there was nothing about technology like this..." Reina hummed in agreement, but the conversation of fascination was cut off when the woods around them seemed to tremble in anticipation.

A flood of bugs came flooding out of the trees and blew passed Y/N and the others.

"Hey, Ray..." Emma spoke, her voice trembling. 

"Yeah." He said, the fear in his voice eminent even under the calm front he had up. 

"S-something's coming!" Poppy exclaimed.

"No way- again?" Nat exclaimed in fear.

"Grab the younger kids! Let's go!" Reina exclaimed, grabbing Daisy's hand and running. 

There was a sudden crash and the beast was upon them. Y/N's face paled and she stumbled, turning to run.

"RUN!" Ray and Emma exclaimed. 

Everyone ran in a panic, their legs churning under them like their stomachs churning at the grotesque sight of the massive demon running after them. It smashed through trees and its abundance of eyes flicked around. It's massive jaw lined with equally massive rows of teeth opened and let out a horrifying screech. 

"Ray! What is that thing?" Gilda called as she ran. "Is it in the book?!" She yelled.

"No! There's nothing!" Ray yelled.

"A-A demon!" Chris yelled from the front of the pack. "J-just like the one-!" 

"So that's a demon?" Daisy asked, her face sweaty as she stumbled over a root. 

"I'm sure!" Emma called, her fists clenching as they continued their death sprint.

"Those hands... face...skin..." Reina gulped and Y/N turned to her. Her teeth clenched at the sight of the older girl's pale and sweaty skin. She looked as if ready to collapse at any second.

"Reina-" Y/N tried to say, only to find her own voice faltering. Fortunately, Poppy came to the rescue, her arm wrapping around her best friends shoulder.

"Don't look back." Y/N heard the older girl say, her voice calm. "Just don't look back. We'll be fine." But as she cast a glance over her shoulders Y/N caught a sight of the blue-eyed girl's face- it was tight with fear. But she was able to overcome her own fear for the sake of her friend. 

Y/N turned away from the approaching demon. 'That's right...' She thought to herself. 'I can't die here- no, I won't die here. I have so many more people to meet and so much more fun to have, so I can't!'

The demon's tongue stuck out and nearly caught Y/N, but to her shock she was dragged out of the way by the black-haired emo-boy himself.

"T-thanks!" Y/N exclaimed, pulling herself out of her head. 

"D-don't mention it." Ray said between heavy breaths. Y/N looked up to him and cringed. He was pale and sweaty as the rest of them. It was never perfectly obvious in the manga, but he was scared. And a kid. 

"They would never!" The conversation the other kids were having suddenly cut into Y/N and Emma's train of thought. 

"It's a different kind of demon, unrelated to the gracefield plantations." Ray echoed, his jaw clenching and unclenching quickly. 

Suddenly, Y/N watched as Don's hand shot up into the air and cut to the side. The group then split in two. Y/N's plantation looked back to her and she stuck two fingers in the air, then pointing to Don's group, meaning for them to split in two and the stronger and faster group to go with Don. They all nodded and Niko, Daisy, and Reina left to Gilda's group. The reason being whenever they split into groups Poppy and Reina became the leaders- Reina of the less-athletic group, in the case of a 2 group splitting. Usually Y/N would go with the weaker group, but in this case, she made up the decision of where to go only a few minutes prior- upon seeing the sweaty and pale face of Ray. 

Even though Y/N wasn't his favourite person, even having one other person to rely on could make a big difference. Y/N learned this lesson when she learned to rely on all the other kids from her plantation- so now it was Ray's turn. 

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