//The hands of a psychopath//

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The image of Y/N was, PER USUAL, drawn by me, and posted on my instagram, thefricksidontgive,

uhm... good afternoon, to those of you who are probably awake rn,, LMAO-

AND GO TO BED, for those of you in EST time rn. If you woke up to read this, I wont forgive you.

ANYHOWWWW I love y'alll and have a good dayyy- morning- afternoon- and evening, LMAO-

pls enjoyyyy~~~)


"But what do we do from here on out?" Ray asked mere moments after we'd confirmed the queen's mildly horrific death. "The queen and all five regent houses were killed. The capital and the other demon territories have all lost their societal leaders. It's not just about negotiating for peace, at this rate..." His tone was anxious. "There'll be widespread chaos... riots even. If we don't handle this correctly, it'll spiral into a war-"

"Oh? About that, it'll be fine." I shrugged simply, completely destroying the serious atmosphere in a single breath. My specialty, of course.

"It'll be fine?!" Norman and Ray echoed, while Mujika blinked and Sonju raised confused eyebrow.

"...How do you know that?" My demon bro inquired curiously, crossing his arms as he tilted his head.

"Oh, right. I haven't told you yet." I scratched my cheek with a light chuckle. "In 20 words or less, I get visions that can see into the future, only what it would be like without my existence."

"Hohh...?" Sonju crossed his arms while he sighed, a nice change of pace for a reaction to my excuse. "That explains a lot, then."

"A-ahh anyway, what exactly is going to happen?" Norman cut in anxiously, still not quite used to me and my... weirdness...?

I hummed. "Don't remember the details, but Leuvis is going to come back, Sonju will revive his old mentor using his blood, and it'll work itself out. Oh, wait." I tapped my chin in thought before grinning. "Sonju and Mujika are going to be nearly executed first, though."

"-WHAT?!" Ray and Emma exclaimed in shock and worry.

I shrugged. "As long as we didn't somehow manage to kill Leuvis twice, they'll be fine." Both Emma and Norman looked ready to simply pass away standing.

"Y/N's right." Mujika smiled. "It'll be okay. We'll figure our own problems out, so you should all hurry back to the hideout."

"But-!!" Emma started, but I quickly cut her off, by laying a hand on her shoulder.

"Emma, it'll be okay." I grinned. "Once humans are out of the picture, it'll be much easier for Sonju and Mujika, anyhow."

Mujika nodded. "Now you can go do what is really important. Stopping anyone else from dying, and stopping the flames of hatred from growing any larger. And besides," Her voice hitched, hesitating for a moment. "I have a really bad feeling. The royal army... in the unlikely event that they attack the hideout, it'll be terrible. So please go. And hurry. As for here, I have an idea of my own."

"Thank you, Mujika!!" Emma exclaimed, embracing the demon girl tightly, burrowing her face in Mujika's neck. "Thank you so much!!!"

"We owe you our lives." Ray nodded in agreement, wearing an appreciative smile on his face..

Emma then turned to Sonju and leapt into him, wrapping her arms around him tightly in a sudden hug. "Oof-" Sonju grunted, looking down to the ginger girl in surprise. "...Huh?"

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