//Seven Walls//

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cover image once again has nothing to do with the chap. Just deranged Y/N bc of bk4_the_cat 's shenanigans in the discord server.

I gave up and stopped editing cause eating cookies were more important to me than delivering a quality chap for y'all. SO.


The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"...she isn't back yet?" Emma eventually asked, breaking the heavy silence for the first time in hours.

Everyone looked to Norman, who had been the last to check on Y/N's room. They were all waiting in the lounge– the front part of the library, filled with desks, chairs, and couches.

Norman shook his head. "There's... been no sign of her, still."

"It's been three days now..." Poppy started nervously, leaning forward on the couch she occupied. Though she left the end of her sentence unfinished, everyone had the same worry:

"What if she's not coming back?"

The silence that followed weighed down on them heavier than any noise.

"...Am I the only one who... doesn't see a problem?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Cozbi. They hardly knew anything about the demon– besides that she was apparently a friend of Y/N's, and could take Yuugo in a fist-fight.

"...what? Don't look at me like that." Cozbi huffed. "Y/N's always disappearing suddenly, but she comes back. You all need some chill."

"Stay out of it." Hannah grumped, crossing her arms. "Outsider."

"WOW." Cozbi leaned back on her seat, looking up at the ceiling. "You guys are insufferable." she muttered. "Why not have a little trust, hm? If you're soo close."

"Cozbi..." Benny murmured lowly.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Ray scoffed, taking a seat on one of the couches with a book in hand.

"And you've all got sticks up your asses."

Zack stifled a snort.

"Guys," Emma spoke nervously, "we've got to stay rational..."

"Why are we even still waiting? We came all this way, and she doesn't want to go back." Hannah was frustrated as she rose to her feet. "We should just focus on finding a way back home."

No one spoke for a moment.

"God, you guys are idiots. You came all this way back to be planning to leave already?" Cozbi groaned. "You've only been in this world what, 2 weeks, total? How long has Y/N been here?"

"As much as I hate to admit it, she's...right." Norman said. "We can– and we should wait longer."

"Hey, don't put words in my mouth." Cozbi muttered. "You guys can totally leave. Y/N was going to find a way back to the human world, anyways."

"...she was?"

Cozbi rolled her eyes. "I'm waiting until Y/N gets back. I'll break whatever news I have to, so make up your minds– choose whether you're going to stay and wait, or find a way back to your home."

"...We were never planning to leave." Poppy rubbed the back of her nape awkwardly. "This one, either." she gestured to Hannah. "She's just got an attitude problem."

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