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After Isabella left the final 4 Plant 3 kids continued standing in shock. Y/n waited until Isabella was long gone before standing up and brushing off her skirt.

"Y/n?" Niko asked. Her voice was hoarse and dry. Hayato stood up and shook out his legs. Poppy helped Niko up.

"You two can make your decision later. For now, I need to go talk to them." Y/n said, handing Poppy one end of the rope they brought. Poppy secured it to herself and Hayato grabbed on too. Y/n walked outside of their cover and into the middle of the wall. The 4 kids on the ground were still in too much shock to notice her- but Gilda did. She made eye contact with her and her eyes widened more.

"You-" She said, causing all the kids to turn and look at her, eyes all riddled with shock and confusion. Y/n took a deep breath before smiling.

"Yo." She said, grabbing hold of the rope and sliding down the wall.

"My name is Y/n. I guess you could say... I'm your neighbour?" She said once she landed. Once the kid's brains cleared enough to take in Y/s appearance their eyes widened.

"Just like Norman..." Don muttered as if he was in a trance. Y/n scratched the back of her head.

"I guess so, huh." She inhaled deeply. She needed to not mess this up. She extended her hand for a handshake from Norman.

"I'm sorry to intrude when you guys already have a lot on your mind..." She began. To keep the already fazed kids from needing to speak she answered the questions they would most likely ask first.

"I'm from Plant 2- there are more then one orphanages here at Grace Field house. My name is Y/n, and I have 3 siblings up on the wall up there. Yes, I know the truth about the house. I'm 9, almost 10 years old, and I am a top scorer, averaging a score of 300. You can trust that I'm smart. Maybe similar genetics to your friend Norman here," She said, gesturing to him in the middle of her tangent. "Our mom does not suspect any of the children of knowing- we have a group of 8 kids who are planning to be part of our escape... and... I'm hoping to escape together with you." she finished, somewhat hesitantly on the last part.

"Hold on," Ray was the first to come back to his senses. "You want us to trust some random kid who eavesdrops on our conversation, is possibly a traitor, and not to mention looks exactly like 'our friend', so you say?"

"Firstly you Ray of sunshine," Y/n says, going completely off script, which would likely be a mistake, "Traitor- funny you mention that, considering your past,"  'oh shit'  she thought, sweating anxiously inside. Ray and Norman both widened their eyes. 'Ohshitohshitohshityoudonemessedupwtf,Y/n??!'

"Secondly, all that I'm asking is that we meet up after we leave. We'll pack our own supplies and carry our own weight, thank-you-very-much. We're only bringing 8, as I mentioned before, the youngest of which is 8, following ages 9, 9, 9, 10 , 11, 11, and 11. All of our scores are above 280's so no need to doubt our smarts."

They all looked fairly uncomfortable, which Y/n didn't blame them for. She shuffled anxiously and tried to find a way to make them trust her more.

"And... I'm really sorry about your friends leg, and your shipment. If there's anything our plant can do to pull our own weight- or to help you with yours, we'll all gladly help. Honestly." She then waved and turned away. As she walked past Norman she whispered in his ear, "I'll see you tomorrow. I have some other important things to talk to you about." she smiled and waved again, before praying that she didn't mess climbing back up and make a fool out of herself.

She tugged on the rope twice to make sure Poppy and Hayato were ready to hold it steady, and she felt a singular tug in return. Taking a deep breath, Y/n took a step back before running up the wall, tugging on the rope to help her momentum, and landing on top.

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