6 【Agreements】6

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'... Huh. wait. DID I HEAR THAT RIGHT?' your series of thoughts race inside your head, containing questions of why, how, and ifs.

"Wait what happened to Y/N choosing a partner for the shift?" Eugene bolts up, a little too eagerly.

"Well I think I'd best suit to welcome our new comer, and I also have a few questions to ask. I'm sure Y/N is fine with it! Right?" Lawrence replies, looking in your direction.

Everyone shifts their attention to you, waiting for the final confirmation.
"...I guess I don't mind!" you finally manage to get out an answer, although your words are opposite of your thoughts.

"Okay! I see that's settled with, I'll repeat where each of our shifts will take place. Me and Y/N will inspect on the cafeteria, Eugene and Zion on the... Harry...."

His words however, slowly drowned in your thoughts, only processing the fact you're going on a night shift with Mr. Psycopath-in-the-inside at tbe cafeteria basement.

'Questions? Seriously? Did he find out I'm from another world? Nah. That can't be right. He's smart but not that genius to figure it out. Is he..'

You take a side glance at the boy, now seeing him writing on a piece of paper about their plans for the shift and items or maybe strategies.


"Say Lawrence do you perhaps like Y/N? Oh not to intrude, it's just kind of rare to see you like this." Sue disturbs your chaos of an inner monologue.

Your head quickly turns to Sue, seeing her unfazed by what she just said and quickly turn your head to Lawrence.

'Sir- what the hell are you gonna say.'

"Hm, like is over exaggerating my reason, but I can say that she quite caught my eye." He smiles at you.

"Nothing's wrong with being curious as a friend right? Besides, we have to get to know her well anyway."

"I see. " Sue nods and got back to whatever she's doing, although not without performing a quick side glance at your figure.

"Say.." you flinch at the voice, startled at the surprising breath of air beside your ear.

"I think Lawrence actually likes you" Judy whispers.

"H-haha.. I think we shouldn't hope on it.." your words whisper back.

"And besides, he said he'd never be interested right?"

"You right you right. Okay but if you need me to do a little wing woman action here and there in case you become fond of any of the boys.." she pauses and poses subtly.

"I'll be here."

The two of you chuckle at the thought before Lawrence finally dismisses everybody.

"Don't forget about your shifts, everyone will meet up in this classroom in 30 minutes. Prepare in the remaining time." The brunette quickly reminds.

Everyone got up and made their way out of the room, that is everybody but you and Lawrence.

"Oh uh Y/N, a favor please." his hand motions you to come closer.

"Mhm? and what is that favor."

"Can you tell Jay and the rest of them who weren't here about the night shift schedules, partners, and assigned places? If it's not too much work for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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