2【 Inside】2

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'..okay this was not how I imagined my morning to go..nope- this isn't real.. ha..ahah..' you take a moment to process everything in your head, unaware that the three trespassers is staring at you.

'should I tell them they're a game? Or will that cause a systematic glitch that ca-' "HELLO? Miss whatever your name is? Can you tell us what you're doing here?" the red haired rich boy called out, interrupting your thoughts.

"...AHHHH!!! Y-you guys are still here." looking at the three guys, still thinking this is all a dream.

"Well duh~ what are we? Fictional?" he responded.

'Hah- if you only knew.'

"Well, a girl needs time to process what the hell just happened right now? I mean- A zombie apocalypse? ISN'T THAT ENOUGH REASON TO JUST THI-" when a hand suddenly covered your mouth.

"Shh.. you may attract zombies inside. They're sensitive to sound you know." the brown yandere boy added.

'ah- right. He's not gonna go yandere on me right? I mean- that scene where we barely met somewhere and he fell in love with me didn't happen so.. everybody's gonna be safe.'

Inhaling deeply, you decided that if you want to survive you have to think of a way to come with them.


Ethan puts a hand on the leader's shoulder, signaling him that he can relax. You saw him eye your kitchen, taking a look around.

'Oh right!' An idea dings inside your head, leading you to remove Lawrence's hand from your mouth completely, immediately standing up.

"Ah! You guys were looking for food or any supplies right? Give me a second, its my house after all" chuckling lightly, a little less nervous knowing this is just a game.

You reach for the cupboards and cabinets, and grabbed your backpack, stuffing food and supplies inside it.

The boys however, were perplexed as to how fast you let your guard down and how unusually calm you are, considering it's the middle of a zombie apocalypse and as they recallc that event was something you didn't know about.

"Alright! All set!"

you extend your hand holding the bag of goods to the group, that is until you retracted it back.

"That is, under one condition." you say, eyeing them, smirking.

"Take me with you. No way in hell am I gonna stay alone here." you extend your other hand, as if waiting for them to shake it.

"Alright. Deal." Lawrence grabs your hand and shakes it.

"We do need the supplies and an extra ally won't do us harm." he says smiling.

'To believe this man can kill people in a heartbeat because he's madly in love with you. What a funny joke if he falls in love with me. I'm not MC right now right?' you smile to yourself, a little more calm since you've played the game enough to know their personalities, likes and dislikes.

"Wow~ We found supplies, all exchanges have been made, a deal's a deal, we're gonna have another ally whoopy. What a great day. Lets go." A certain redhead interrupted.

'Damn it Zion. Let me enjoy this moment." unaware that you're still holding Lawrence's hand and accidentally squeezing it out of frustration.

"Nice grip you've got the-" "I'M SO SORRY LETS GO GUYS ZION'S RIGHT!! LEAD THE WAY!!" you nervously chuckle going ahead of the group, stopping midway.

"Oh right, I need a weapon. " You say, grabbing a kitchen knife and an umbrella.

"What? Its not like I'm gonna stab any of you.. AND UMBRELLAS CAN COME IN HANDY IN TERMS OF DEFENSE OKAY?" you shout, earning a chuckle and an eyeroll from Zion, as well as a confusing look from Ethan.

"All right!! Let's go everyone!!" proceeding to go out the door on your own way, stopping in your tracks again.

"Right, so um.. How do we go to your base?"

"This idiot." Zion mumbles, ruffling his hair. "OI! IF YOU WANNA SURVIVE YOU BETTER STICK WITH US DUMBASS!" he says a little too loud.

"Zion." Ethan remarked, realizing his comrade may have attracted a few of the undead.

"Whoops~ sorry." he says sarcastically.

The three of them exit the house, preparing their weapons of choice, ready to smash any zombies in their way.

"All right. If you wanna come with us, then you better catch up." Lawrence smiles, proceeding to run in full speed carefully. Trying his best to not attract any zombies, with Zion and Ethan just behind him.

'Well this is going to be one hell of an experience.' you lighten up, knowing you're in for a ride.


"We know dumbass. This ain't a fun run so get your ass moving"

"Jesus Christ."
[ Status: Not yet completed ]
Day: 1



You all know who you are and thank you for giving me your endless support. I wouldn't be here right now without you.


Votes and comments are highly appreciated. Have a great day.

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