1【 Ready】1

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'Another ordinary day, let's move it Y/N'

You lazily sat up and stretched once more, same routine everyday. You were about to go down for breakfast when you noticed something unusual in your surroundings.

'Hold up, has my room always been this dark.. and my home this.. quiet?' you observe your surroundings, a little creeped out by how it is but nevertheless relieved that you were still home.

With your parents. Your parents.

'Okay.. this is creepy so I'm gonna go check if Mom and Dad are awake.. yeah..' you hurrily race down to their room and knock loudly. A little too loudly.

"Mom? Dad? Hellooo?"

"This is beginning to be really scary guys.. IF THIS IS A PRANK COME OUT NOW PLEASE!" still no response.

'okay, okay deep breathes Y/N. Try to remembe-'

RrRrdgDRsD (whatever zombies sound like)
'Okay what the hell- was that a snarl?' you walk slowly to your room, not wanting to summon whatever that thing is, and opened your bedroom curtain, revealing a dark neighborhood.

'Nothing seems unusual here.. I'm probably just tired.. yeah ti-' when your body instinctively froze when you caught a glimpse of a person.

"Oh thank god it's a perso—"

Ragged clothes, horrible posture, blood stains, and greenish & pale skin.

".................. I don't think that's a person"

'O-okay... What The Absolute Heck is Going on.

A-am I? In A zombie apocalypse?

Like THE zombie apocalypse where you get mawled or one of you dies. or maybe the zombie apocalypse where your food stock runs short and you barely survive.?

Are you kidding me? No.. nah.. This is impossible...

No way in hell.

I'm dreaming. That's the only logical answer. '

You pinch your cheek. You're still there.

'...but this isn't a dream so WHERE THE HELL AM I??' your thought screamed in your head, jumbling across one another.

"Alright Y/N.. deep breaths. If you wanna survive thi-" CLICK.

Fearing for your life, you dash as fast as you can to the kitchen, still in your t-shirt and jogging pants you went to bed in, and grabbed a kitchen knife to defend yourself with.

Your figure hid behind the kitchen counter, and quietly waited.

'Why the heck did the door unlock- can zombies unlock doors? no I know they can't or el-' Foot steps.

You try your best to muffle a whimper coming from you, the grip on your knife tightening as each second passes.

"Looks like this place is clear Lawrence. We should check for any food supply if there's any."

'L-lawrence? where the hell did I hear that name already, it sounds so familiar..' you position yourself, ready to defend your life at all costs.

"Alright. Make sure to check if there's any medicine supplies we can use back at the sch-"


'..you absolute idiot Y/N now you've got their attention.' you mentally curse yourself as you unknowingly bump the table foot and tumbled the glass.

"Everyone focus, it might be a zombie.. be quiet. I'm gonna go look over there to check."

''Holy mother of mercy please don't go here please don't go here' you repeatedly chant those four words inside your head, ready to strike at any moment.
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... 'are they gone? .. i'm pretty sure they were still here..' with the sudden silence you peek from the table counter and was unexpectedly met by a pair of amber eyes.

staring directly at you. 3 inches away specifically.
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"AAAHH-" your mouth was met by a palm trying to shush you from making any distracting noise, as well as your hand that was grabbed before the kitchen knife has sliced the person's neck.

"... It's just a girl.. no zombies here Lawrence." the red head motion to the so called Lawrence, aka glasses guy who's probably the leader.

"A girl?" he asks, a little shocked that someone is still a person, outdoors and alive.

"Yup! This thing's about to cause trouble for us if I didn't shut her up.." The red head stared back at you, now slowly removing his hand from your mouth.

"Don't shout, or we. are. gonna die here. Got it?" you were still motionless, shocked from what you were seeing right now.

Three guys who looked so familiar and a zombie apocalypse... DING!

'... Oh my god.'

'Oh my absolute god no way. No this can't- no this isn't real.. ' a pair of e/c colored eyes widen

'..I'm inside the game.. What the hell am I doing here?'

A/N so- um.. there you have it, what do you think?

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