5【Day 2】5

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'okay, the sun is up, and it's time for another day.' humming, you get up and stretch.

You check if your phone is working, and to your dismay it wasn't.

Sighing, you look around the room and take notice of the classroom you are residing in.

"Damn, this place may serve as an accommodation but god is it so dusty~"

Taking one final look at the not-so-hygienic room, you exit it and decided to go to the main classroom.

'Right, sir mastermind told me there was a meeting. Oh well let's get out of here then.'

Just as you were about to open the door, you remember a fairly important part in the game.

"Hold on, isn't there a part where me and Judy get stuck in this room?"

Looking around, you notice a difference between the episode you played in your mobile.

"Okayy.. creepy how Judy's not here anymore.. but let's pray the door's unlocked and if it's not.."

grabbing the door handle, you concluded it was stuck. Sighing, you continue your monologue.

"Looks like I have to use my protagonist power and find an item that can help me somehow.. but my problem is I don't remember what item it is.

I mean.. I DIDN'T EXPECT TO GET STUCK HERE IN A GAME." you shout to no one in a sarcastic tone,  hoping for the tiniest chance whoever or whatever put you in there can hear you.

"God how I wish this was just a dream, but I mean.. at least I get to do what I want without limited choices.. and NO RUBY SPENDING AHA!"

laughing slightly to your realization, you search the room to find any familiar looking item that you can use to open the jammed door.

Suddenly an awfully familiar L shaped ruler lying on the desk appears before you, not like you didn't search for it already in that exact place. But again, you'll believe anything now that you've entered a game.

Grabbing it, you try and insert it to pursue your efforts of opening the jammed door.

'Goddamnit. It all took a click of a button to do this but I honestly do not know what I am doing right now.'


Successful in your first attempt to open it, you stumble out of the room, spotting the furniture that blocked the room.

'Just as I expected. Better than being stuck there alone.'

Getting up, you dusted yourself and fixed the messed up hairstyle you possessed, brushing off some excess dirt off.

"Alright, we all know damn well it's Scarlett. Should I be OP as hell and call her out? Or do what I did in the game.."

pausing for a few moments, you decided to do the latter and keep quiet, that is if you weren't a petty little son of a-

"OKAY~ Calling her out subtly won't do harm now won't it?" exhaling loudly, you rush your way towards the main meeting room, arriving just two minutes late.

'He'll let it slide he'll let it slide he'll let it sli-'

"You're late Y/N" Lawrence remarks, smiling as innocently as ever.

"Yeah~ my bad~I mean, not my fault a chair was JAMMED to the goddamn door." you reply back with a sweet smile, slightly glaring to the other blonde.

'Oho, you seem shocked my protagonist charm made it here now did you? Well too bad.'

" OH NO! ARE YOU OKAY? WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL FOR HELP??" A worried Judy rushes to your aid.

[ ɪɴsɪᴅᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ] A dangerous fellows x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now