3【Introductions 】3

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Huff... huff.. pant..

'okay i'm getting kinda tired from running but i need to keep going. Do it for the guys of your dreams Y/N. Do it for your survival. You still have to figure out how the hell you got here' you and the guys continue running until the school's gate was in sight.

"We're almost there keep up." said the red haired boy, looking at you to make sure you're okay.

"Yeah, i guess that's your base huh?" 'like i already don't know. play dumb play dumb.' you ask him, waiting for confirmation.

"Of course not~ I mean why would we be heading in a direction exactly leading to the school?" he answers you.

"Haha funny now lets hurry befor-" when a sudden hand grabbed your leg from behind, causing you to trip.

The guys noticed this and were stopped in their tracks, Ethan taking action and coming your way with a bat.

'Shi- its cold. God damn it I don't have time for this. I want to meet the crew..' grabbing your umbrella you open it in front of you, preventing the undead to touch and cause you harm any further, flinging it across with your foot plus the impact of the umbrella, with the silent boy delivering the final blow.

".. See? I told you all it will come in handy!" you chuckled, earning weird looks from the guys as to you were seconds away from turning into a zombie.

"..Alright then are you sure you're alright?" Lawrence asks you with a worried look on his face.

"Of course I am!" you answer him."Asides from the fact my leg has been contaminated by a zombie touch I am okay"

Still suspicious, you decided to show them that you didn't have any bite marks on the area the monster grabbed you.

Sighing, Zion breaks the silence.

"We don't have time for this. She's clearly fine so let's go enter the school now before more zombies find us." and as if on cue, a horde of zombies appear just meters away from you.

"Here we go, don't make this harder for us." grabbing your hand, the four of you rush into the school gates and shut them off as quickly as possible, stopping the zombies from gaining any further entry.

'Oh my god. Zion just grabbed my hand. It may be for survival but he still touched it!' lost in your daydreams, you didn't notice that the leader was waving in your face back and forth, desperately trying to catch your attention.

"AAAH!" awaken from your daze, you apologize profusely and made an explanation about how that experience was terrifying.

"I see.. well let's go meet the rest of the gang and get some sleep. You're probably tired from all this right?"

"Huh? OH YES I AM VERY MUCH TIRED" you exclaim, fake yawning to add reliability.

Smiling, you follow the three of them inside until you finally reached the classroom.

Audible whispers and murmurs were hard as soon as you stepped inside when out of nowhere a voice was heard.

"Oh my god! Is that you? Are you really alive?" coming from the source of the voice is your so called best friend in the game. Judy.

'huh- what- What should i say.. I don't wanna offend her by saying we've never met personally before. Yeah in the game sure but not here HERE.'

"O-oh! Yeah its me! Oh my god it's been so long~" you reply, coming closer for an awkward hug.

"...pffftt." an unexplainable laugh came out from Judy which caught you off guard.

"Hahahaha! I'm just messing with you~ I've never seen you in my entire life! But I do hope we get along!" she says, chuckling, causing you to join in the laugh.

"Oh thank god. I was so scared that I met you and forgotten" 'Oh my god so they do speak on their own.. so not everything is like the game then.'

"Mind if I interrupt the conversation?" a certain silver haired male asked.

"Oh not at all~ go on and introduce yourself Harry!" Judy exclaims.

"Thank you! As you just heard, my name is Harry. I hope we can all be friends. I'm afraid we haven't caught your name yet?"

"Ah right! Hello everyone my name's Y/N and I hope I can be of help to everyone." you reply, smiling back.

"Ugh you could be of help by leaving." the annoying blonde spat.

'Ah right- I have to deal with her as well.' "Ah don't worry! I'll make sure that I am of u-"

"What if she's infected? She might endanger us all! We should have a vote on whether to let her stay or not. Its the only right way." rolling her eyes, she smirked at you and looked away.

'.. Ah yes. I remember why I hate her. Well, looks like my life is on the line here. Let's just get this over with.'

"C'mon Scarlett thats unnecessary, besides she might help us scavenge some necessary equipment and stock." Harry reasons.

'Thank you, you absolute beautiful angel without wings but I doubt that will help us according to my knowledge of this game.' you internally thank the boy, and shot him a smile, unknowingly flustering him.

"This is just a waste of time.. Can't we just let her stay?" 'Holy cow Zion just stood up for me- well maybe he's just tired but its the thought that counts'

"No Scarlett's right! What if she's infected? We don't even know where she've been before you guys took her along." Jay adds, increasing suspicion and intensifying the tension.

While everyone continued bickering, you patiently waited for Lawrence's instructions and carefully thought of how to successfully finish this game, or yet how to find out the reason why you're inside anyways.

"Quiet down now everyone, so that it will be fair for both sides of the party, lets take Scarlett's suggestion into consideration and vote whether or not she's staying!" the brown haired boy finally declares.

'And there it is. Now let's get this over and done with.'

A/N: hello hello thank you for continuing to read this and to the people who kept on urging me to update~ so here you go!

See you next chapter and don't forget to comment and vote! Highly appreciated! Thanks everyone! <3

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