Another surprise

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3rd POV

      Kastuki insisted on staying at the Midoriya's for the first day of school. He got up before the alarm clock in Izuku's room and saw a bundle of green on the floor as he stepped out of the bed. They both had always been rough sleepers though he had toned down after he graduated from junior high school. His brother not so much. He grimaced as he opened the door and  the cold hit him like a ton of bricks. He stretched like a cat awaking from a long nap.

As he made his way down the hall into the bathroom he swear he saw Aunty Inko talking to someone at the door, but who. Eh whatever, he then slammed the bathroom door and winced waiting for a woman to come shouting at him about his bad habits but heard small conversation and a laugh to boot. What the fuck is going on this morning?? 

Although his gut told him he should be concerned he only focused on getting ready for UA and getting the green mop ready as well. Knowing full well he would just be a nervous train wreck on the first day.


Izuku shifted in his sleep before finally waking up from something moving his body back and forth. He woke up sleepily and saw blonde hair. Oh, Kacchan. He then laid back down. "Yo Izuku you don't want to be late for the first day of school do you. And I came all this way." Izuku then grimaced for a second waiting for his brain to catch up to the sound of the voice calling him out.

He shot up from the floor, wings exploding him free from the blanket and saw Keigo Takami in front of him in the flesh. Also in a UA uniform, awesome.

The man of dirty blonde smiled down at the Izuku. Though it disappeared as soon as he was pulled down in one fell swoop. Gravity not making it any easier to resist he landed on the floor with a thump. He looked at the boy in front of him, and was surprised to see a frown on his face. He thought his friend would be happier to see him.

Izuku got up from the floor stepping on Keigo to leave his room ruffling his wings as he took his leave. As he walked in the hall he though about how petty and unfair he was being but, Keigo can't just crash back into his life without an explanation on why he left. Izuku had a pretty rough idea about why he was gone. It was just that the fact that he couldn't do anything for his big headed friend was irking him and ruining his morning attitude. He was never with handling mornings anyways. The only thing helping him in middle school was the walk to school in the mornings.


When Izuku opened the door there was the familiar sight of Katsuki coming out of the shower in a loose towel. He honestly just admires the Greek figure Katsuki has, even if sight seeing came with an attack about privacy every once in while. This time there was nothing Izuku just glanced at Katsuki in acknowledgement and went about his morning routine. Katsuki brushed off the weird behavior as normal.

"What's got you pissed this morning?" The ash blonde asked in between brushing teeth, gently as to avoid the horrifying lecture from Inko about gum health. The trauma. Izuku paused in the middle of taking off his t-shirt that said sleeping now and glowered at the reminder of his inability to do anything for his friends. 

He stepped into the water Katsuki had left on and sighed. The warm water running over the sudden curves in his shoulders and down the valleys made at his waist. "I just feel bad that I can't do anything about Shochan or Keichan. It makes me pissed when I think about the experiences we have that they won't be able to experience. Ya know."

Katsuki grabbed the mouthwash (extra spicy rinse) and stared at the fog forming on the outside making the liquid look murky. He looked into the foggy mirror at Izuku's outlined figure from the  opaque shower curtain, "Deku... you might not be able to create a new beginning, but your always in charge of your own ending." He swallowed the mouthwash and put in back into the cabinet, turning around to see Izuku peeking out of the curtain. 

Izuku looked at him with minimum emotion, then his mouth started to twitch upwards. Katsuki seemed to catch on what he just let pour out of his mouth. Damn I need to stop watching so much spoken word videos. He stared Izuku down giving him a clear message to not say anything. Izuku couldn't help the snort, followed by the bowl of laughter following right after. 

That morning was chaotic.

"Just what the fuck do you think your doing here?" Katsuki snarled at the elder teen. Keigo shrugged then crept closer to Katsuki attempting a hug from his feisty friend. "No. No. Get away!" Yells followed by thumps and gust of air, filled the living room. Katsuki was tackled into a tight hug by his friend. Sooner or later he seemed to give up on resisting the bird man. He sighed, while Izuku snorted behind his mug of tea. Inko shook her head, hiding her ever growing smile behind her hand.

"Bye mom!" Izuku chirped to his mom. His mom smiled at his cute baby bird antics. Though it reminded her that he was still her baby who wanted to go out and help people. And as much as she loves that, there was always the possibility of serious injury... and even death. It took everything in her to hold her tounge, and not reach out and pull him back into her safe arms. If he was protecting everyone, then who would protect her baby.

The door shut with a click.


Izuku bundled his tie into a weird know as he tried to sort out his emotions. And try as he might he couldn't get it undone, Kacchan would be mad. He stumbled on a pebble and instantly caught himself. Also catching the attention of his two friends. 

He swallowed the lump in his throat and steeled himself to say what was on his mind.

"KeichanIapologizeforbeingrudetoyouthismorning.ItwasreallypettyandchildishofmeandI'mreallysorry." He said in one breath. Looking up from the ground, the expression of both other teens was slightly surprised. Not that he apologized out of no where, but that he said everything in one go. Keigo let his brain catch up to what was said and swooped in a swift motion to hug Izuku.

"Yo, it's really ok. It is kinda unfair for me to just barge right back into your lives. And whatever issues your dealing with you can share with us." He pushed the shorter boy back a little to look into his large green eyes. "Your my friend Izuku, were bro's and nothing can ever change that." Keigo put a radiant heart stopping smile on. Izuku felt as if his left lung just chocked on rice.

"Are you emotional shitheads done or what? We're gonna be late and I don't wait for shit." Izuku glared at his brother, "Kacchan your only saying that because your emotionally constipated." Katsuki stopped and turned around as if something were preventing him from attacking the younger boy. "You say what!" Izuku just chuckled realizing his impending death, and ran with keigo to train station because he didn't want to be left with the ticking bomb.

Katsuki smirked. Finally that akward moment was gone and they can focus on getting to school. Those two are really dumbasses, my dumbasses. Wait.... that sounded wrong. my fri-friends. Yeah my friends and my brothers. Okay that's enough monologuing. Wait did those two dumbasses really leave me behind. I'LL KILL THEM!

He saw the train in the far distance approaching the stations, his destination, and he booked it with the largest smile on his face.

BOOHYAH! 1344 words completed

Hope you enjoyed

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