time skip

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3rd POV

It's the last year of middle school, the Bakugo and Midoriya duo were well known throughout the school. Those two were the most likely to become heroes at there school. Teachers gave them praise and students gave them respect. Katsuki almost got caught up in this and started acting like a jerk, but Izuku dragged him down to earth containing his ego before it got any bigger.

Even though the two barley talked to one another at school, they always walked home together which confused students. When one was late the other stayed behind. And when one was made fun of the other stood up for them. It was a weird brotherly bond that kids were going to miss. 

They were going to miss Midoriya molting all over the school and collecting his beautiful green, brown, blue feathers and making jewelry. Him standing up for kids and staying optimistic, and showing them how to make the most of their quirks. He also gained a lot of bravery and confidence from the beginning of the year, only making him a nicely rounded person.

 He also gained a lot of bravery and confidence from the beginning of the year, only making him a nicely rounded person

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They were also going to miss Bakugo even though he was a bit of a jerk. He was just plain strong and kept Midoriya on his toes in the good way. He made sure that kids weren't taken advantage of by the teachers and made sure everyone was fair. The two boys truly left a mark on Aldera Junior high.

Now it was the end of the year and the boys were ready to leave the nest and become great heroes. This brought their classmates to tears, they've all grown attached to the boy's somehow someway. They all cheered once the school bell rung, and gave the two encouragement, forming a path for their exit.

The girls had tired the two boys out by constantly asking them out, now that everyone had just turned 14, they gained some weird boost of confidence. And even the same girls who were rejected never gave up. Midoriya was a little regretful in giving that never give up class president speech at the beginning of this year. Izuku was looked down at his hand and sighed. The two boys trudged home, getting ready to face the wrath of Midoriya's training. Bakugo's parents had to leave the country for a fashion gala, leaving him with the Midoriya's household. 

Let's just say Mrs. Midoriya wasn't one who appreciated laziness when you have a goal to reach. She trained the two hard, and fast causing them to improve rapidly. Bakugo was able to pump out more sweat than ever, creating bigger explosions. Midoriya had already learn basic flying by nine years old. Also fully molting out his brown baby feathers for beautiful colorful feathers. So his training focused more on speed and precision landing. And at the end of each day he was trained in pyrokinesis. By the end of his second year he was able to conjure his own flames.

By a snap of his finger the boy was able to make a flame. Then control the flame easier, since the source of flame came from himself, he had stronger flames that couldn't be put out so easy. Now the two boys laid in Izuku's bed not being able to sleep one bit with UA exams the next day.

(The next day)

The next day both of the boy's were rushed out the house with their junior high uniforms on and a small bag that held their gym outfit. "Have a nice time at the exam boy's." Mrs. Midoriya had just sent them off with a smile, Katsuki's own parents had also called to wish them good luck. As they walked they both knew that underneath Mrs. Midoriya's smile held a  face that said, 'If you fail you wont survive my wrath!' They gulped and held a forced smile with beads of sweat dripping down their face and headed to the train station.

The boys arrived at the UA gate entranced and stared in awe at the building. "Wow Kacchan! We actually get to have a chance of going to a school as amazing as this." "Yeah we actually do." They were so caught up in the moment that Izuku didn't notice how Bakugo actually agreed with him for once. 

Izuku hopped up the stairs and Bakugo followed after making sure he didn't hit any one with his wings. "Oi nerd, don't trip and hurry up." "Ok Kacchan the signs say that the exam room is just down this ha- oof." "Oi, the fuck watch where your going!" Izuku ignored Bakugo's yells and insults at the person he had just bumped into. "Hey are you/Hey are you-" The two boys looked up. Molten gold met emerald green, "Keichan/Izu?" The boys grinned the biggest grin their face would allow. Somehow the two birds ended up in a big hug, "Hey Deku! I wait for no one!" Katsuki called down the hall, Izuku scrambled out of the hug and stood. "See you later Keichan!" He called back running down to catch up to his best friend. "Oi, and...bird brain I guess it was nice seeing you again." Keigo smiled at the hot headed boy that just acknowledged him and purposely ignored to call him out on the smile he held.

Izuku's POV

As we entered the exam room Kacchan and I ended up next to one another. The test went by fast. I heard a lot of distracting noises though. For example sweat, coughing, pencil tapping, paper rustling, and a lot of other's I'd rather not remember about.

 When everyone had finished the exam Present Mic entered the room for the physical examination explanation. I looked up to see Keigo who had sent me a wink and Present Mic on stage. "Oh my gosh is that the Present Mic and what's Keichan doing up on stage." I guess I started rambling because a rude kid with glasses stood up and interrupted our speakers introduction of the physical exam. "Excuse me but would you be so kind as to not talk while a teacher is talking. It's not presentable as a role model student of such a school as this one." What he said really must've irked my nerves because somehow I ended standing up before Kacchan did, " How about you mind your own business, the fact that you can't block out unnecessary noise shows how petty and incapable you are." After I sat back down I realized what I had just did. Oh. My. Gosh.

"Hey, nice job nerd couldn't have said it better myself." I felt blood rush to my cheeks, I couldn't afford to look at anyone. Especially the long lost friend whose gaze I could feel in my direction.

Man I really wish I could time skip home right about now.

🕶Remember stay sparky⚡

🕶Remember stay sparky⚡

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