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It was dark in the common room as the students of class 1-A sat around the television. The Tv capturing the children's focus as it played the latest devastating news. "I'm Takanaka Shima and tonight I share with the residents of Japan the recent news about a gruesome killer running rampage. From police intel the suspect is a blood combustion quirk user. Three residents have been found murdered in a back ally as well as an entire family only to be found dead after missing numerous calls from their neighbors."

Takanaka took a deep breath before continuing. " Based on patterns observed by professionals it seems that this killer is favoring the night shifts so stay safe everyone. If you encounter anyone suspicious please do not interact and call for he- Bakugou turned off the tv before walking into the kitchen.

"Hey asshole we were watching that!" Kiminari whined, flinching as Bakugou turned to glare at him. "Nevermind." He turned back around and slid down the couch covers.

Kirishima looked at both teens and sighed. "Cmon guys don't fight. And Bakugou that really wasn't a manly thing to do, seeing as this is something we as future heroes should know about. Yeah?" He consoled. Bakugou lifted his head up from the green mug filled with tiny cracks. Still stirring whatever substance with small clinks of his metal spoon.

"What good comes watching that shit, huh? We can't do nothing cause we don't have a hero license dumbass. What are you going to do with no real life experience, serious hero training, or approval from the government." The clinking becomes louder and louder until it stops with a snap.

The ash blonde looks down at the broken mug, it was his favorite. Izuku and him bought matching mugs on sale. "Shit" he whispered under his breath. Setting down the broken handle, he looked at the handful of teens staring at him. Either directly or at a glance. He sighed.

"Look if you want to help you have to do it right. And putting yourself at risk trynna be an unlicensed hero, a vigilante." He looked at Midoriya who was avoiding eye contact and clenching his shirt that read shirt. "If I let you lot watch this crap, I'm certain that a handful of you strong minded students will go and check it out." Transferring the contents of the mug into a cup, Bakugou cleaned out the broken mug and took it along with him as he disappeared upstairs.

Midoriya unable to take the silence stood up and headed to the door of the dorms. "What are you doing Midoriya-kun, we're not allowed out past curfew?" Mina spoke out. Izuku continued on putting on his shoes. "Midoriya?" Asked Ururaka.

As he opened the door he paused,"Dont... don't follow me alright. And... don't tell Kacchan. Please. I can't promise not to do anything stupid, but I can promise that I'll come back in one piece." After tugging on his heat insulated jacket he swiftly took off to the sky.

The remaining students looked at one another. Todoroki took the initiative,"So who's telling Katsuki?"
He was voted out as the messenger. The room belonging to the blonde was quiet from the hall. The peppermint boy stood at the door. He gazed at the golden wood deep in thought and exhaled," Are you guys pretending to forget or have you really forgotten the promise you made."

Raising his fist to knock on the door it was gone before he could stop the momentum of his hand. Hitting soft blonde spikes he looked surprised at the teen whom he had hit.

"Are you done with the dramatic monologue Icyhot?" Grabbing Todoroki's wrist he dragged him inside to a window wide open ready for departure. "But... how?" Todoroki was shocked at the bag of supplies and Bakugou dressed in all black.

"Yeah as if I didn't know the damned nerd would walk out to chase a murderer goddamit. And you should've at least tried to stop him I gave you a hint for goddsake. Though once I made it upstairs and saw the green chicken flying off I knew I forgot how oblivious you were." Todoroki was still frozen in shock. 
Bakugou grabbed his bag full of provisions and looked back at the slightly taller teen.

"Dumbass 2 I have some clothes in my closet that you can wear now let's go." Todoroki moved towards the closet and came out changed in all black. Stopping  at the window where Bakugou was waiting,"Wait why am I dumbass 2?"

Bakugou sighed and jumped not waiting for the boy any longer. Todoroki followed. " Comon tell me why I'm dumbass two. If I'm two is there a dumbass one? Who is it? And if I'm two does that mean they're more of  a dumbass than me or am I more of a dumbass than them? Also I would like to add how am I a dumbass when I'm one of the top students in the class?"

The night was bright with stars and clear of clouds and light pollution. No one suspects a thing except for anxious students sitting in the dorm discussing they're next plan of action.


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