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3rd POV

(a couple months later)

The next day Midoriya woke up a little too early and couldn't go back to sleep. So he hopped, wait hopped to the living room and watch to TV till it was time for school? When Inko came downstairs, Midoriya chirped at her arrival. It surprised both of them. What was happening, time for another trip to the doctors after school today.

Inko had made breakfast and had just noticed Izuku's wings seemed a little bigger than before and went over to his shirt and lifted it suddenly, leading Izuku to let out an embarrassing cry because of the sudden movement. 

Inko gasped and Izuku started to worry what was going on, on his back. This frustrated him at times because it's his mutation yet he can't do anything but let others see while struggling to see it himself. "What? Did something bad happen? I slept the way you told me to, I did my exorcises what's wrong?" His mom only cried a little, "Izuku you have your baby feathers. There so cute and fuzzy." 

"Gasp. Really I'll get wings like a bird is it true?" His mom nodded. And Izuku started to do a weird dance throughout the living space. Yeah his mom would really need to make an appointment soon, though Izuku doesn't need to come since it's only a intel checkup.

Inko sent Izuku to get dressed for elementary school and she started making his lunch and packing snacks into his bag. She recently started going through the packet and she was still shocked at how much food Izuku ate during a day. And how much of that was just fish and meat. She noticed him getting clingier than what he was before his quirk. Him taking more baths than showers and just playing with water. The doctor didn't say he was going to become a bird, just have some bird tendencies. And it was shocking at first but she got used to it. 

Izuku came running  out of his room with new clothes that were bought in advance for when his wings came in. Even though there just two fuzzy things on his back he was still excited and dedicated all his time grooming and training and hanging out with Kacchan.


Izuku POV

When I arrived at school I opened the door and everyone's attention was on me. Girls ran up to me saying how my wings were adorable and started touching them. My wings were still sensitive so I was a little uncomfortable with the touching and Kacchan noticed. 

It made me feel special when he noticed the small things. 

Kacchan grabbed my hand and scolded the kids for getting in my personal space. We sat at our shared desk and talked about going to the playground to train even though we still couldn't do much with our quirks except practice control.


After school Kacchan said that there were some new type of Brown feathers on my wings. I told him that it must've been the pin feathers that'll eventually grow out to full feathers. We went to the playground, played, trained, and just talked. It was fun, Kacchan said that if everyone gets to UA like promised then me and birdbrain would be the chicken duo. "Kacchan haha that's not nice."

"Well if you don't like that name then you would be the feather duo, Razor claws, The talons, or maybe you guys are soulmates. That would be pretty funny if the two birds would be two love birds." "Kacchan!" I whined, his comment made my whole face go red. 

(A couple of weeks later)

All of my feathers grew I groomed them everyday when I woke up and before I went to bed. When my mom took me to the doctors he said the fact that my feathers grew in the shape of an aero dynamic bird were that my wings were probably used for speed. He then asked my mom for her height and my dad's height and said I would probably be a medium sized bird. After taking a test I showed similar habits and growth of a Cooper's Hawk which was really cool. I know that Keichan said his quirk was most related to a Redtail Hawk. 

(2 years later) Midoriya 7yrs old

3rd POV

Midoriya found himself standing on the edge on the mini wall enclosing the stairs of his apartment. He had just molted and grew his first round of flight and blood feathers. His mother and Katsuki were on the ground waiting for him, even though any sudden movement in midair could be fatal he didn't feel the slightest bit of fear. 

He slowly spread his wings, feeling the air between each feather, even though he knew his feathers wouldn't be strong enough for flight they were just itching to take off. He took a final breath and looked down. Wind check, jacket check, knee and elbow pads check, helmet check. He was ready and he took off once the wind picked up again.

Inko held her breath while Katsuki just smiled, Izuku was gliding even though he was a little bit wobbly but he was gliding. All the training in the park jumping off slides and monkey bars paid off. Izuku felt like the whole world was in his palms. And he chose this specific time because now he see's the sunsetting.

The sun had seemed more beautiful but it also seemed to be calling his name and in a flash he saw a line of red zip across his view and he flew...or at least tried to, his feathers weren't strong enough so instead of flying he fell, and fell, and fell until he felt something soft and remembered his mom had bought a bouncy house for his training. 

Midoriya POV

"Deku! Deku! Deku! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I was still stunned by whether what I just saw was real or not. To a normal person it would've been a blur but my mutation enhanced my eye sight and if I look carefully I saw red wings. Was that Keichan, was he still living in Japan. Without even knowing it a smile crept up on my face. "Kacchan! Keichan! Keichan was able to fly wasn't he?" He looked at me weirdly. "Well yeah how do you think we got most of the apples." 

If he was able to fly that means that he would be able to fly just as fast as that blur that I saw in the sky. That must be him! "Hey Deku why did you suddenly bring up bird brain?" "It's nothing much just wanted to compare." I'm going to keep this info to myself for now. I got up and walked to my house, time to rest and start training again. I've got to catch up, I've got to get to UA. 

"And young man where do you think your going?" Oh crap I forgot pyrokinesis training with mom. I love my mom and all it's just that she kind of becomes a different person when it comes to training. I slowly turned around, "Well shouldn't Kacchan come with us hehehehehe?" "What are you talking about Katsuki already went home." Damn it Kacchan already left, he does this every time and he's only gotten better.

"Let's go! You have a goal to reach and were going to reach it. First start by putting up the bouncy house." I started walking to the equipment, of course she wouldn't help. "Oh and before I make dinner I don't want you putting your hands all over it, so use your mind instead. I'll know if you touch it, so if you do, no kastudon." I looked at her confused, then back back at the house. I wondered how in the world I would do that without burning the plastic. I then saw to my horror that the box read Fire Proof for Fire Related Quirks! Gosh darnit. 

She's thorough. 


✨Remember don't stop twinkling✨

✨Remember don't stop twinkling✨

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