Chapter Ocho

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The thumping of footsteps woke Izuku up at 5:00 am. What's all that noise. Pulling his feathers closer to the warmth of his body heat he curled back up. Pulling along an innocent pillow to suffocate his ears since they were particularly sensitive. As he was about to drift off in the land of clouds the door to his room bust open.

"Urggg. Give me five more minutes... please." Izuku rolled over on his round bed, as the bright hallway lights made it's way over to his eyelids.

An irate blonde stood at the door. A visible vein peaking from under his hair. With sarcasm written all over his face he stood next to the desk bunkbed and smiled at the snoozing green bird. 

"Aww Deku did you want some more beauty rest? I didn't know, I apologize my baby chick." Izuku shot up from the covers wrapped around his body and glared at the boy in front of him. "CHICK! Chick! Whose the chick, because I specifically remember telling you not to call me that anymore." The aura of tiredness was washed away with fluster. 

Katsuki could only cackle as he heard Izuku's voice crack at the mention of the baby name of affection. Feeling observant predatory eyes still staring daggers into his soul, Katsuki collected himself and calmed. "Whatever a baby name is a baby name, plus, you still look like a baby if you ask me." Reaching over he pinched the squishy cheek of the green broccolini. 

Having enough the younger grabbed Katsuki's arm and twisted going for an arm bar hold from his bed. Reacting quickly the two surely ended up in a scuffle. 


Keigo just grabbed coffee with 1/3 of the cup containing milk, as well as two bacon egg avocado toasted sandwiches. He hummed happily as he floated up the stairs. As he opened the dormitory third level door he heard movement coming from one of the rooms. Following the sound he ended up at his destination, Izuku Midoriya. 

He stood at the door and listened then looked down at his food. He sipped on his coffee and thought, 'maybe I shouldn't bother them'. As he was about to walk away he almost forgot to leave the bag of food. The aroma of the contents of the bag flowed out with the sudden jerk of the bag and Keigo's pupils dilated 'Well maybe they won't notice a sandwich missing.' Slapping himself in the face he frowned at the brown paper. 'No you stupid idiot of course they would notice. And you and I both know that if you let yourself the pleasure of one bite there would be nothing left, your lucky you even made it this far.'

So focused on the subject of food the older bird didn't realize that the noise and insults in the room had died down.


"You stupid idiot your a fucking nuisance ya know that?" The blonde rolled the greenete over going for a chokehold. The boy in question only grunted then smiled at the insult, "Well that's sweet news coming from the only nuisance in my life." He stopped Katsuki's advancements midway when a soft scent of juicy pork travelled throughout his nose. His mouth salivated a little.

"You... you little shit! This is what I get for trying to be ni-" Katsuki noticed Izuku staring at the door of his room and noticed a shadow at the bottom. He skillfully moved down from the bed as quiet as possible. "How long do ya think they've been standing there?" Izuku barley registered what was said taking time to respond before dumbly nodding his head," I don't know, but I do know that they have some yummy food." 

In one fell swoop the young bird jumped off his bed and reached the door. Swinging it wide open he found Keigo staring at a brown paper bag and talking to himself. He looked up noticing that the door was open and the two boys stood in front of him. 

Taking a sip of his coffee, he scanned the two for any abnormal markings, "Well hello my little baby chicks nice morning isn't it?" The two glared at the senior and commotion in the hall soon commenced.


School days passed by smoothly, training, general education classes, and the spontaneous extra elective class that differed for everyone. Izuku did fine in his understudy of Keigo during training and even gained a lot of helpful knowledge about speed as well as the training that went along with it. Katsuki made a lot of "friends" who didn't know their place and would follow him around like another Izuku Midoriya. "tsk"


White paws tapped the mahogany desk in a rhythmical manner. The face that went to the paw was none other than Principle Nezu. His small hand picked up the overly large tea mug and smiled. "You know what we want, and it was promised by you of all people. We want the boy, hand him over right now." 

A man sitting across from the fuzzball of white was tall and slender in build. He had the gloomy look of someone who hated their job. He flashed a mouth full of fake teeth at the animal, smiling eerily large and wide. The sides of his mouth pulled into his eye's. Yet Nezu never wavered in his stance.

The principle smiled softly and opened up a drawer pulling out unknown documents. Gesturing to the seat in front of him the man refused to sit in, "how about you take a seat before we make a deal." 

The office door locked silently as window shutter closed quickly and the room became dark.


"Mommy mommy look it's a hero!" A little girl jumped excitedly near her mother. The mother busy paying for the small Endeavor keychain she had bought for the child looked around the small market. "Honey I don't see what your talking about, now lets go daddy's waiting for us at home to eat." The mother pulled the child a little to find her daughter staring up at the sky in a daze of wonder.

She looked up to see a flurry of red feathers swooping around the area they were in. They had caught the hero's eye and he waved before flying off. "Mommy! He waved! He waved! Ahhhh, I wonder who that hero is?" The mother chuckled. 

"Is he your new favorite, that'd be sad to hear with all the Endeavor merch in your room." She walked along the road with the girl and smiled. The young child skipped and giggled, "I think I have enough room for even more hero's!" The mother laughed out loud, startling her child. With a teasing voice she peered down at the girl, "Do you think you'll be able to fit anything in that room that's about to explode." Bopping the girl on her nose she grinned. "Last one home is a rotten egg!" She dipped off while laughing with her child struggling to keep up.


If your confused about an update. I only changed the last sentence, I'll update soon enough.

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