****To My Readers****

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Hi guys. I thought to write my message here instead of on my profile wall as I know not everyone follows my posts.

I wanted to explain my absence over the past month and a bit. 

I am sorry I haven't been able to update Dawning Point. I left my job early December, the drama and unprofessionalism having given me constant stress and writers block for a period. And it has been tough this past five or so weeks, being broke over Christmas and in search for work. Needless to say I've had more immediate matters to deal with, and not only that, I have applied for study during that time. Only recently had I found out that I'd been accepted into my degree, and I am still figuring out how everything is going to fit together, physically and financially, whilst still using time to write bits here and there whenever I can (when I don't feel guilty for doing what I would so rather be doing than adulting hahah).

I want to say thank you to all of you who are still holding on for that next chapter of DP. I've been really excited for the next few chapters for some time, all my ideas hanging here in my head despite my distractions. I really wish I could be writing more, giving you all the content you are waiting on, and I will. I hate to leave you waiting. And I certainly haven't given up! But I thank you so much for being patient, for asking questions on my story and wondering after my updates. It makes me so happy that Dawning has had such an effect on many of you. 

I hope this provides clarity. Please know that I will update as soon as I have the time and stability to sit down and just write. There is so much left of Bruce and Isla's story to tell, and I can't wait for you guys to read on.

So much love, and stay well and healthy out there. Update coming soon ;)

MM xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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