Chapter 10

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"Hey, Kall, we thought you were going to be a while...?" Jett started, saving us from silence.

Kallum moved to my side but I couldn't bring myself to look at him, worried of what I might see there on his face or that he might see what was on mine. He cleared his throat, long arms dangling with hands tucked inside his pockets. "I was but I got hungry. I knew Margot would bring lunch." He might've sounded calm enough but that never fooled me. Kallum was always calm, and even calmer when he was angry or upset about something.

"How are you feeling?" I attempted, piping up, hoping to lead everyone far away from the previous topic of conversation.

Kall glanced my face from above without meeting my eyes.

That worried me.

Why wasn't he looking at me? I didn't think he was close enough to hear what we were talking about, especially with the wind calling so loudly between the trees; but if he did, what was going through his mind right now? Was he angry because I'd made a joke about Kieran and his uncle, or maybe that I'd brought his uncle up to his friends at all?

Not to mention, I had no idea how much of his life he had shared with his friends and what he kept private. Maybe family drama was one of those subjects he didn't speak of with people other than me.

Kieran's and my remarks were ones made totally without weight or consequence but nevertheless it was completely inappropriate to share or even make humour of that kind, especially about Kallum's relatives...

But then what about what Jett had said: that Kallum was pissed about my going home with Manning last night. Did that mean that Manning told Kall about what transpired between the two of us? Or was I overdramatising, and this was all some simple misunderstanding?

What did Kallum know?

"Fine," Kall sat cross legged, leaving a space between us.

Observing Kallum's tension Jett swiftly intervened with talk of his degree and how he was thinking of moving to live on campus to cut down the travel time from his parents' house in upper Dawning. Although he didn't say so specifically, it could be deduced that Jett also wanted to be closer to Margot, considering she boarded on DPU campus herself. Jett eagerly followed on about some classmates whom shared a large property where they fixed up old junkyard dirt bikes and buggies, mainly during semester breaks, for entertainment – most of the blokes learning mechanics or being riding enthusiasts, or both – and that we as a group should all check it out one day soon.

For the most part, though, I was only half listening. My focus was on a hard set Kallum beside me who remained still and reserved in a very not-Kallum-like way. Ultimately if he had indeed heard our conversation beforehand he made no mention of it as we all chatted about this and that for the next hour or so, at one point the topic shifting to my considerable awkwardness and dreadful intoxication the night I'd met the girls – in which Kallum finally joined in to mock me – but by the end I'd successfully established myself into this new found friendship group.

When it was sometime past noon, we packed up the picnic and pilled everything into the tray of Kallum's ute that was parked down the slope. Any words exchanged between Kallum and I were kept minimal whilst he engaged with the others, probably to avoid me. Or maybe he was waiting until we were alone to talk.

It wasn't like Kallum to be distant with me. Of course over the years we'd had many arguments and differences of opinion, growing up together and changing together, but we usually fought it out and then we'd be over it; tore the band aid off, weathered the stings and got on with it.

But this felt different.

There had to be something significant on his mind, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to find out what it was. Had Bruce spoken to Kallum about my incivility and lack of respect towards his father's brother – the action of doing so more than likely made to result in my detriment – didn't explain Kallum's silence. He wouldn't just disregard my side of the story, especially when I meant more to him than Manning did.

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