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"well you've really got no one to blame but yourself.' Hermione scolds Ron. "I mean Myrtle is miserable enough without you being cruel to her." Ron Gapes at her incredulously. "He broke my jaw!" "You're lucky he didn't run you through with his sword." I point out. Ron crosses his arms. "Oh yeah no. ill just be grateful he only maimed me instead of killing me." Hermione rolls her eyes. "Stop being so dramatic. Madame Pomphrey healed it in about a second. Suddenly a chill runs through the great hall and the torches all dim. That can mean only one thing. Nico is in a mood.

As he enters the great hall. He marches silently across the hall and sits down next to Hermione. He shovel's a few sausages into his offering fire then begins to pick at a few more. "So Nico." Says Hermione ever oblivious to his body language. "Do you have a valentine?" Nico glares at her. "No." He says simply. "What? You don't like valentines day." Nico rises and stares at a cupid figurine. without warning his sword materializes in his hand and he slashes the figurine in two. The he turns calmly to Hermione. And with a calm voice as though he were reciting facts out of a text book he says "Of all the gods of all the heavens. I hate Eros the most. Ill see you guys in potions." And with that he walks away.

"give it back Malfoy." I growl as he waves tom riddles diary in the air. I raise my wand and shout "expeliarmus." The diary flies through the air and i catch it. Malfoy turns to Ginny. "I don't think he liked your valentine." He sneers. Ginny's face turns blood red. "At least she tried Malfoy. I couldn't help but notice nobody gave you any valentines." Nico retorts Malfoy turns pale as everyone laughs at him.

"Could it be that you've finally realized the value of love?" Drawls a laid back voice behind the crowd. everyone whirls around and Gasps. A tall man in a green tunic with Angels wings is leaning against the wall of the corridor. Nico Grits his teeth. "What do you want?" The winged man smirks. "The real question is what do you want?" I look back and forth between Nico and the strange man. This kind of thing would have surprised me if I didn't know Nico so well. And then a horrible thought crosses my mind. Do I really know Nico at all?

Nico's grimace contorts into a scowl of pure rage. "Right now, I want you to leave me alone." The winged man smiles sadly. "You can not defy my master forever. Your day of reckoning is still yet to come. and untill you lear to let go of the pain in your heart, you will always be a slave to the darkness." Terrible things are building inside Nico. Thoughts of terrible things. This man, whoever he is either doesn't realize how much he's upsetting Nico, or else doesn't care. I open my mouth to say something, But Nico catches my eye and ever so subtly shakes his head. 

"What do you people want from me?" The gears are turning, the pistons are pounding, the war machine is roaring to life and things are in motion which cannot be stopped. and our enemies have chosen to strike first at you. Do you Know why?" Nico grits his teeth. "Because I'm alone." he growls. "The winged man smiles sadly. "Because you are unpredictable. You have a unique talent for pulling miracles out of thin air. and shell never see you coming till its over."

Just then Professors Mcgonnogal, Dumbledore, And flitwick come running through the corridor. "What is the meaning of this?" gasps Mcgonnogal. Nico whirls around. "Im handling it!" Mcgonnogal stands in shock at being shouted at as Nico whirls back to the winged man. "So you want to use me as a weapon when it suits then then toss me aside like trash when it doesnt? Yeah no. How about you fight your own battles for once. Wouldnt that be a sight to see?" Nico turns eagerly then his face falls when he realises that no one here knows what hes referencing. "Percy would have thought that was funny." he sulks. "We have been fighting." The winged man responds.  "It I was I who aided you in your fight with Orion." He waves his hand and a gentle breeze coalesces in his hand and solidifies into a black quiver with a dozen black arrows and a Black compound bow. I realises its the same weapons the Giant had been using. "By the ancient laws these are rightfully yours. you will need them before the end." The he leans in close and whispers something else in Nico's ears that nobody else hears than vanishes on the spot. Nico grabs the quiver and storms off.

When Nicos not at camp (Book the second)Where stories live. Discover now