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I gather my belongings as the great hall begins to empty. As i turn to leave i hear Professor Dumbledore call out my name. I groan and turn around. Harry, Ron, and Hermione sray by the table. Dumbledore, Mcgonnogal, and Snape are walking towards us. Dumbledore examines the group of us. I imagine trying to decide whether to ask them to leave. apparently he decides against it. Mcgonnogal raises her wand. "Scourgify." suddenly my closhes are clean and dry. "Uhm thanks." I stammer.  Professor dumbledore opens his mouth to speak but i cut him off. "were gonna be late for History of Magic if we dont get going now." "I will you a hall pass. Not that you will need it given how Proffesor Binns favors you." "Look professor." "Im sorry to interup what im sure would be a very compelling bennediction." Dumbledore states with a hint of impatience in his voice. "but there are matters which we must discuss." i briefly consider a mist manipulation, but decide its not worth the risk. "Fine. Whats wrong?"

Dumbledore explains about Mrs. Norris and the message on the wall. "Petrified cat huh?" I say. "Yes." Dumbledore agrees. "And as your whereabouts can not be accounted for at the time of the incident ..." I ignore dumbledore and turn to Agrius. "the cat gets petrified on the same night that I ..." I glance to the teachers standing nearby. "Hmm, hm" Agrius Nods. "Not good, Not good at all." "would the two of you care to explain what you are discussing?" I Look Dumbledore square in the eye. "You wouldnt believe me if i told you." Snape sneers. Mcgonnogal looks dissaproving. But Dumbledore seems to consider thoughtfully. He looks from me to Agrius then back to me. "if i am not much mistaken this is the same lare who carried the message of the dissapearance of your friend Jason." I cross my arms. "So?" Dumbledore narrows his eyes. "When we question Ms. Granger she indocated you stated something along the lines of 'i cant give up on her because im not strong enough'. Is that correct?" I glare at Hermione. She takes a half step sideways behind Ron. "That was private." I growl. Dumbledore folds his hands in front of him. "Mr. Diangelo, is there something you would like to tell me?" I look at Agrius. He floats there solemnly. "Nope." Dumbledore sighs. "You will receive three nights detention for leaving the school grounds without permission."

Just then an owl screaches above head. we all look up to see Hedwig carrying a large black package. she drops it into my arms then goes to perch on Harrys shoulder. I place the package on the table and open it. Inside is a card written in Ancient Greek. it says

Nico, you have to learn to move on. your destiny is infornt of you. if you continue to live in the past then you can never face it and Bianca's sacrifice will be in vain.

I wipe a tear from my eye. "what does it say?" Ron asks. "Nothing. Its jsut like, Dad stuff" I turn to the package. Inside are three items. First i pull out a leather bound book with a silver skull. Secrets of The Darkest Art. "Mr Diangelo!" Dumbledore shouts. "What in the name of god do you think you are doing with a book like that!" I sigh. "Do i look like i can stop owls from bringing me stuff?" Dumbledore blinks. "I-no of course not. But it was incredibly innapropriate of your father to send you such a book. im afraid i must confiscate it." But im already focusing on my duat locker. I push the book into my locker and set it on  a shelf next to my bazooka. then turn back to see the three teachjers staring at me in utter astonishment. i raise an eyebrow. "What?" "where did you learn to do that?" Snape sneers. "Learn to do what?" "Mr. Diangelo!" Mcgonnogal gasps. "Spectral storageis a form of magic so obscure wizards today largely regard it as a myth!" that a mere second year should have knowledge of such things is. i mean its .... simply unheard of." I shrug and turn back to my package.  next i pull out a large stone basin full of some kind of glowing substance that seems to be neither liquid not solid nor gas. more gasps from the teachers. I close my eyes in annoyance and turn towards them. "What now?" the three proffessors exchange nervous glances but its Ron Who speaks up. "Nico. Thats a pensieve. there so rare only four have ever been confirmed t exist." My eyes widen in surprise. "My dads got like 30 of em." I look down at the bowl. "Well 29 now i guess." I stuff the penseive into my locker. ill figure out how to work it later. and finally i pull out the last item. a small box about 6 inches by 6 inches by 6 inches. i swing open the hinge to find a small brown egg nestled in velvet. i gently lift up the egg and hold it in the palm of my hand. suddenly the egg begins to shakeand cracks open to reveal a small bird chick. the bird stands up fluffs out its feathers and look me square in the face. my demigod sense tingle. suddenly the chick errupts into a blaze of fire that expands out taking the shape of a much larger bird. it flaps its wings and flys around the great hall untill the flames die out revealing a red and gold Phoenix. it lands on my shoulder and chirps affectionately. a tear runs down my face. the symbol of rebirth. i look up to see Dumbledore, Snape, and Mcgonnogal staring at the phoenix. "What. Nolecture about how incredibly rare phoenixes are?" then i look back at the table where i see Ajax trying to climb into the box. I sigh and pick him up. he purs contendly. thats when i notice the box isnt completely empty. theres a large envelope in the bottom. I turn over the card from my father. P.S, Your little stunt last night earned you a craptone of paperwork. Agrius reads the note over my shoulder. "You need a secretary Nico." I sigh. "I know." The an idea strikes me and i smirk as i turn to Agrius. "Do you want the Job?"

When Nicos not at camp (Book the second)Where stories live. Discover now