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Harry jumps into the Massive cabinet and swings the door shut as he hears people coming into the store. Its Malfoy and his dad. They talk to the shop keeper for a few minutes. Ministry of magic blah blah blah, pure blood blah blah blah,selling some items. all the time Harry his holding his breath hoping they wont catch him. Then, just as theey're about to leave the door swings open again. harry has to keep himself from audibly gasping. Its Nico. Hes wearing his leather aviator jacket over a Walking Dead themed tee shirt with black jeans and a backpack slung across his shoulders. He examines the room coldly, then, ignoring the Malfoys entirely,walks up to the counter and addresses Borgin without introducing himself. "I'm looking for an object which i have reason to believe is in your shop." He says without inflection. "Its a small ceramic statue depicting an anthropomorphic crocodile. About one foot tall, decorated with hieroglyphs and exceedingly old." Borgin looks from Nico to the Malfoys then back at Nico. Nico raises an eyebrow. "Well?" Borgin shrugs and walks into the back room.

Lucious aproaches Nico. "Hello, Mr Diangelo. Draco has told me much about you this summer. I'm glad to see that one of our oldest per look families still survives." He extends his hand but Nico makes no move to shake so he drops it. "I Understand that you are in Gryffindor, its a shame, if you were in slytherin im sure You and Draco might have been friends." "Not likely." replies Nico. "You're son is a slime weasel" Lucious looks shocked. Just then Borgin returns to the room and places the statue Nico had asked for on the counter. "Is the Item you're looking for?"l he asks. Without breaking eye contact with Lucious he responds, "No. I'm looking for the original you made this copy from." Now it was Borgin turn to look shocked. Nico turns towards him with a smirk on his face. "Thought you could pull one over on me because I'm a kid? His eyes narrow as he stares at Borgin. Then the shopkeeper departs once more into the back room and when he returns places a second statue on the counter next to the first. The two look identical. Harry has not the slightest idea how Nico could tell the difference, especially without looking.

After examining the statue, he pays Borgin fifty galleons then carefully wraps it in several layers of bubble wrap and places it in his backpack. Then he turns towards Harry's cabinet and swings the door open revealing his hiding spot. "What are you doing?" Nico asks in an annoyed voice. As if stumbling across one of your friends hiding in a cabinet in a random magic shop was a perfectly normal if somewhat inconvenient occurrence. "I ... floo network ... Soot." Harry stammers. Nico grabs him by the arm pulls him out of the cabinet, past the stunned Malfoys and shopkeeper, and out the door. "We should get Back to Diagon alley." Nico says. "I'm sure Mrs Weasley is hysterical by now." "Nico?" Harry asks. "What was that statue you bought?" Nico flinches. "I would appreciate if you didnt mention that to anyone." harry nods. a few witches approach harry and nico but he pushes right past them untill finally they stumble into none other than hagrid himself. 'Hey! What are you two doing down here? People will think you're up to no good." "i was lost." Harry announces. Hagrid turns to Nico. "I was ... antiquing." Hagrids eyes Narrow. "Antiquing?" "Antiquing." Nico confirms. Hagrid sighs. "Damn Di angelos always caused trouble even back in my day." Then Hagrid leads them back to diagon alley.

Harry tries his best to hide his Gringots vault from the Weasleys. He thought it would be awkward for them to see how rich he was. But they made no mention of it, even though he was sure that they had seen it. Nico didnt even attempt to hide his vault. Not that he could have if he wanted to. the vault was the size of the Hogwarts Qudditch pitch and practically overflowing. When they got to Nicos second vault, Mrs Weasley became hysterical when he attempted to cut his hand to enter the vault. But finally Nico was able to wipe his blood on the door and pass through the black flames. They managed to complete the rest of their shopping without incident. Untill that is that they got to flourish and blots.

"I bet you loved that didnt you Potter." Malfoy sneers. "leave him alone." Ginny snaps." Malfoy smirks. "Oh! you got yourself a girlfriend Potter. How cute." Nico walks up carrying a book called Philosophies of Mental Discipline. Decorated with a picture of a monk meditating under a waterfall. He look at the assembled group. "Sup slime weasel." Malfoy cringes. "Think that's funny do you? At least I'm not a traitor to my pure blood lineage."  "I'm half blood actually." He says as he stuffs his book in his bag. " You're a disgrace to the legacy of the Di Angelo family actually." Nico looks decidedly uninterested. "Eat shit Malfoy." He grabs Malfoy by the collar of his robes. And shoves him backwards lifting him off the ground and he lands on his ass with a thump. Nico walks past him to a bookcase full of books about astral projection and the like. Malfoys face turns blood red. He leaps to his feet and pulls his wand too quick for anyone to stop him. Nico turns as quick as thought and their spells collide in midair exploding in a field of sparks. Then Nico waves his wand and a jet of brown light smacks Malfoy square in the face. When the smoke clears Malfoy is laying on the ground moaning as brown liquid pours down his pants and pools on the ground. "All right break it up!" Roars Hagrid as he comes into sight. Mr. Malfoy and the Weasleys are at their side in an instant. Luscious waves his wand and The brown liquid disappears as Draco recovers from the Diarrhea hex. Luscious scoop his son off the ground and shoves him to the door. "Go find your Mother." He commands then turns back to the group.

"Now now now." He says in his oily voice. "I think that's been quite enough unpleasantness for one day." He picks a book out of ginnys cauldron. " I'm sure you need to get back to buying your second hand books." "I for one." Says Mr. Weasley Bitterly. "Would rather be poor ad honorable than rich and despicable." Luscious scowls and places the book back in Ginnys cauldron, but as it crosses in front of Nico Something strange Happens. He looks at the book at suddenly goes pale. Paler than usual. Then with a gasp he doubles over in pain and grasps his gut as if hes been stabbed. "Nico are you ..." Hermione begins to ask. But Nico Drops to his hands and knees and wretches all over the floor. Everyone takes two steps back except for Mrs. Weasley who rushes in and wraps her arms around him. Then just as suddenly as it had happened the episode passes. He gets shakily to his feet. "I'm fine. I just thought .... It seemed like .... I thought i felt ..." Ron, Hermione and i exchange concerned looks. Usually Nico is thoughtful and intelligent. Seeing him unable to put together a simple sentence is disconcerting. Nico shakes his head. "Ive just been under a lot of stress recently. Ill be okay." Everyone tenses. The last time Nico had been Under stress, He had sliced his arms to bloody scraps. He scowls at the assembled group. "I'm Fine!" He insists.

"So Nic0." Hermione asks Where are you staying while in London?" "Well I was gonna take a room at the leaky cauldron." Hmm." Says Mrs. Weasley thoughtfully. "No that wont do. You'll come stay with us untill school starts." Nico looks surprised. "Oh. Thanks but ..." "Hey yeah." Ron interjects excitedly "you can stay in my room with me and Harry." Nico frowns. "I don't think ..." "Nonsense." Says Mr. Weasley. Nico looks each Weasley in the face and clearly comes to the conclusion that thes not getting out of it. "Oh well. Thank you." Then. He stops dead in his tracks starring at a building across the street. The sign says WalGreenLocks Wizarding Apothacary. Nico pulls a slip of paper out of his pocket and looks at it for a moment then sighs and turns to the group. "Ill be right back." And he runs into the store.

When Nicos not at camp (Book the second)Where stories live. Discover now