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Nico has a very strange sense of humor. as soon as lockhart vanished harrys bones he doubled over in hysterical laughter. Hes rolling on the ground barely able to breathe. Every time he starts to calm down he sees the limp jelly arm and starts all over again. it seems kind of mean but the poor boy laughs so rarely it seems like a crime to stop him. "well, im glad someones having a good time." Harry says. "Your arm! fucking! No bones! Ha!" Lockhart seems embarrassed. "Come now Mr. Diangelo. This is no laughing matter." But abviously Nico disagrees. there are literal tears pouring out of his eyes as he struggles to control himself. but suddenly it stops. the smile falls off his face and the hair on the back of his neck stands up. he becomes very quitew and begins scanning the treeline of the forbidden forrest. He reaches slowly into his pocket. "Get down." he whispers. We all look at him astonished. "What?" "Get down!" he screams. A massive black tipped arrow flies out of the forrest as Nicos wand swishes through the air. the arrow bounces off his shield charm. four more arrows follow in rapid succession. all of them deflected. I turn to harry. "Should we get down?" all the students, and lockhart, begin running for cover. Hagrid pulls is pink umbrella. "Whats happening?" He asks Nico. The tree line shudders, and out of it bursts a giant. 20 feet tall, dressed in cammo with night vision goggles for eyes. it carried a massive black bow and a quiver full of arrows. "An assasinaion apparently." Nico says shortly.

In the span of a heartbeat the giant jumps into the air, knocks three arrows and lands in the quidditch pitch. simultaneously nico waves his wand an incinerates the arrows in mid air, conjures his sword out of thin air and plunges it into the ground. a giant split opens in the earth and ends right where the giants foot lands. the giant falls and rolls on the ground. Nico charges but the giant pulls a massive hunting knife from its boot and jabs it at nico who has to dive out of the way. the giant rises and stomps at nico, but out of nowhere a black blur flies through the air with a horrific screech. Nicos cat Ajax digs his claws into the giants leg and then scurries up his body and begins scratching his face with a ferocity I wouldnt have thought possible. the giant bellows in pain and tries to swat the cat but Ajax is too fast and the giant only mananges to punch itself in the face. Nico whistles and his Phoenix hestia Materialises in a flash of fire. The bird grabs the back of Nicos aviator jacket and carries him into the air. then drops him. Nico reaches out his sword and catches the giant square in his chest cutting a massive gouge down his chest. The giant grabs Nico and throws him. Hestia Dives to catch him but the giant shoots it out of the air with a massive arrow. Well, Nicos a goner. I barely have time to think to myself. But hes Not a goner! Just before he hits the ground a gentl breeze catches his back and cushions his fall allowing him to roll out. By now Ajax has slashed every square inch of the giants exposed skin and had proceeded to resting on the quiver and biting the giants fingers whenever he tried to grab an arrow. Nico raises his wand and yells "Expelliarmus." The giants bow flies out of his hand. Nico reverses the grip on his sword and throws it like a spear. The giants Dives but another breeze catches the sword and shifts its course to follow him. the sword strikes the giant in the throat. The giant falls to his knees and locks eyes with Nico. "Havoc." The giant rasps. A look of determination crosses Nicos face. He inhales deeply through his nostrils, then opens his mouth. A jet of black fire erupts from his jaws and engulfs the giant. a third gentle breeze blows in and fans the flames. When the flames cut off. no trace of the giant remains, except for the black bow which was shrinking to a size apropriate for a human.

Nico turns to the assembled group of teachers who had their wands raised but hadnt even had time to cast a spell. "Bloody hell Nico." I exclaim. "HJow did you do that. "Not sure." Nico admits. "Never did it before." Then Nico frowns and follows the gazes of the assembled group down to his stomach, where the shaft of an arrow was protruding from his gut. He grabs the shaft and yanks. With a horrible squelching sound a barbed black arrow with a sickly green tint pulls free from his gut, taking a chunk of flesh with it. Nico shakes off the flesh then examines the arrow carefully. he holds it up to the sunlight. then puts it up to his nose and sniffs. He thinks for a moment, then reaches out his tongue and licks it. he swishes around his saliva for a moment then apears deep in thought. finally he spits out a glob of smoking blood. "Pit scorpion." He declares flatly. then falls on his face and begins to convulse. everyone is in such shock that noone thinks to help him untill Ajax, now carrying the newly reborn Hestia Chick in his mouth, scratches Dumbledore on the leg. Dumbledore comes to his senses and conjures a stretcher to take Nico to the Hospital wing.

When Nicos not at camp (Book the second)Where stories live. Discover now