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"if i may headmaster, it could be that Mr. Potter and his friends were merely at the wrong place at the wrong time." The three of us stand in Lockharts office in open shock that Snape would stand up for us. the feeling was short lived. "However." he growls. "I for one dont remember seeing them at dinner." immediately we begin explaining about the deathday party. "Perhaps." snape snarls "and yet one must wonder where is the fourth member of your little trio?" all three of us turn to the spot where Nico would be standing if he was here. Mcgonnogal raises an eyebrow. "Well. where is Mr. Diangelo." "He, Uhm, left." I say uncertainly. "what do you mean he left?" Dumbledore asks patiently. "Where did he go?" "At the end of the party Nico pulled aside nearly headless Nick and they were talking about something, i dont know what." Hermione explains quickly. "Probably ghost stuff." Ron interjects. Hermione rolls her eyes. "Anyway Nico got real upset and he looked shocked, almost scared but then his demeanor changed and he seemed like ..." she shook her head. "And Nick seemed to know what he was thinking and begged him not to do it but Nico said that he couldnt give up on her because he wasnt strong enough." "And you have no idea what it is that they were discussing?" Dumbledore asks. we all shake our heads. Dumbledore examines Mrs, Norris for a few moments. Then without saying a word he raises his wand and a silvery bird erupts from the tip and flies towards gryffyndor tower. after a few moments Nearly Headless Nick flies through the wall into Lockharts office.

"You summoned me headmaster?" he asks flatly. " Sir Nicholas. Would you mind telling me where Mr. Diangelo Went after your conversation with him ended." "I cannot." Sir Nick said simply. "I see." Replied Dumbledore. "Could you then, describe the nature of your discussion." "No." Dumbledore frowned. "Is there anything you can tell me about Mr. Diangelos current whereabouts or intentions?" "I beg your pardon Headmaster." Nick responded boldly. "But i have neither eyes to see nor tounge to speak except where my king should give me leave. Nico has entrusted to me great confidences. I would never willingly betray them, and you have not the power to compel me." Everyone, teachers and students, stared at Nick in shock. Dumbledore however looked politely puzzled, as if he had just been presented with an interesting riddle. He turns back to Me, Ron, and Hermione. "There is at this time no evidence that any of you had any part in Mrs. Norriss attack, therefore you are free to go. Howeveras Mr. Diangelos whereabouts cannot be accounted for at the time of the attack he must remain, for the moment, under suspicion. i would request that you direct him to my office when next you should see him."

Back at the gryffindor common room the entire house questions us about what went down. we explain with as little detail as possible taking special care to leave out the part about how Nico is missing. nobody seems to have noticed that yet. finally the common room clears out just the three of us and a young girl, i asume shes a first year based on her age and the fact that i dont know her. shes poking around in the fire and seems to have no real interest in us so we sit ourselves into a few arm chairs in the quietest corner we can find. "where do you think Nico went?" i ask. "I dont know." Hermione says nervously. "But i hope hes okay. He seemed very upset." Ron grimaces. "Im sure your boyfriend is just fine Hermione." Hermione slaps him across the face. suddenly i see she has tears in her eyes. "Stop it Ronald! Why do you have to be this way? Why cant you tell that hes having a hard time? Ron stares at her incredulously. "Nico will be fine." says a calm sounding voice i dont recognize. I look up to see the young girl looking at us with the sadest smile ive ever seen. and suddenly i realise that shes not wearing school robes. "Nico is fighting battles on many fronts at the moment. including a few with himself.but he has more strength than he knows. and he Will find it before the end." "Who are you?" I ask. "You're not a student." She smiles. "I am Nicos Favorite Aunt." She states it as though it is the most obvious thing in the world. Then she turns into a pillar of fire, which then sails into the fireplace.

there was much debate that night amongst the three of us regarding wether we should report the strange girl. but ultimately we decided that we were under enough suspicion as it is, theres no reason to draw more attention to ourselves. When we wake up Nicos bed is still empty. So Ron, Hermione, And I walk down to breakfast hoping to find him sitting in the great hall. But he isnt there. The three of us take seats at the end of the table, apart from everyone else. "Do You think hes died?" Ron asks. "Ronald!" hermione scolds. "Dont even joke about that!" "Its okay Hermione." I point to the main entrance. "Nicos back. He looks ... not dead at least." Nico was covered in mud and soaking wet, but didnt appear to be injured. but there was a certain aura about him. he seemed dangerous. not his usual kind of dangerous, but like a wounded animal.  Unpredictable and ready to lash out.

nico eneters the great hall drawing stares from just about everyone. he takes a seat across from me and hermione and next to Ron, His black cat ajax jumps up onto the table and clears a place to lay down. Nico looks from me to Hermione to Ron. "Hey." he says shortly.  "good morning." i respond deciding to let Nico discuss what happened at his own pace. Hermione had oter ideas. " where have you been? what happened? why did you leave? oh my god Nico you have no idea how worried we were about you." Nico rubs the sidesof his head and groans. "Is it gonna be one of those days today?" "well you cant blame her for being concerned." Ron offers. "after all you look like bloody hell." "Yeah well you look like shut up!" Nico shouts. then calms down. "Sorry. sorry. i just had kind of a weird night." suddenly a loud pop echoes through the great hall. Agrius, the purple ghost who had brought Nico the message about Jason, was floating in the air frowning at Nico. Nico looks up. "Hi Agrius. hows things at camp. "Bad." Agrius responds flatly. "Reyna wasnt happy with your letter. Nico rolls his eyes. "Ill be sure to update the list of things i have neither the time nor the energy to care about." agrius stares at Nico. His frown deepening. Nico suddenly becomes very interested in his waffle. the whole hall is watching this encounter, no one making a sound. Agrius teleport directly infornt of Nico. "You shouldnt have done that Nico." he says nervously. Nico looks away. "i dont know what you're talking about." Agrius teleports again forcing Nico to make eye contact. "terrible things happen to people who mess with the laws of nature. Terrible TERRIBLE things nico." Nico harumphs. "Whats going to happen to me that hasnt happened already?" suddenly thunder rumbles and what can only be described as a spooky wind blows through the great hall putting out all the torches and candles. Nico seems kind of Nervous, but agrius looks completely terrified. "Nico. I dont think you want to tempt the You Know Whos." Nico forces a smile onto his face. "ominous weather aside, if they have a problem then they can come and face me."

When Nicos not at camp (Book the second)Where stories live. Discover now