Oh my god

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???'s pov
???-so do you know what to do
???- yes boss
???- good because if you fail me, there will be consequences. Do I make myself clear
???- yes sir
???- than get to it
???- okay(leaves)
Oh don't worry son he will pay, with his life.

At firehouse 51
Kelly- hey Dawson have you seen Casey? He's late
Dawson- yeah,this morning . He said he was going to meet Christie before shift because of some family problem he didn't want to speak about .
Kelly- well I at least know he is safe
Dawson- well the chief and the others know
Kelly - why didn't someone tell me this sooner
Dawson- it was mouch's idea to get you worried
Kelly - that makes perfect sense now.thanks I leave you to it
Dawson- your welcome
Just then the alarm goes of

(Truck 81, squad 3, and ambulance 61...car crash at intersection)
They all ride to the scene, but what they saw scared them to death.Everyone knew that was Casey's car flipped on the ground . Kelly was the first one to respond
Kelly- oh my god Matt
He says while he rushes to Matt's assistant . There was blood everywhere. Once Kelly's eyes reached Matt he was shocked . Casey was unconscious and had blood pouring out through his nose and head. He saw that his neck was obviously broken. What scared him the most though is that he was pinned down and gasoline was pouring out, which means that this car only has a matter of minutes before going on fire .
"I need a c collar and the jaws" he screamed . Everyone did as ordered . they put the collar on him and was able to safely get him out seconds before the car got on fire . Dawson was silently crying while trying to save the love of her life. Kelly rode with Dawson on the ambulance . He was scared , he didn't want to lose his best friend particularly brother, he had lost Andy and Shay and couldn't lose another. once they arrived they took him to the ICU. The Kelly and Dawson's eyes started to water. A couple minutes later the rest of the team came and Boden made Kelly step out so they could talk privately
Boden- a witness in the scene said that car came out of nowhere and Casey tried to stop but it was to late , but when I inspected the car it looked like someone had cutten his breaks
Kelly- chief are you trying to say...
Boden- yes Kelly someone did it on purpose to either hurt or kill him.

Back with ???
???- did you do it
???- yes sir it's done
???-good(starts laughing)This was just a warmup the fun hasn't even started

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