I will find you

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Dawson's pov

The minute I saw him, I was filled with joy. I was happy to know that he was okay and well, sort of. We had a mini conversation when I noticed he was tired, so I decide to leave. As I was walking back to the waiting room; everyone was still there. It made me happy to know that they all really cared about Matt. As I started walking towards them they all look at me with concern.

No one's pov

Herman- How is he, is he okay

Dawson- I guess due to his conditions he is okay

Otis- Well that is good

Dawson-I know; if you guys want to go home it is okay. He is currently sleeping

Herman- Actually, I have to go. I have to go see Cindy and the kids.

Boden- It is okay Herman, you do what you have to do

Herman- thank you, call me if anything happens

Cruz- Will do

Herman- Thanks(walks out the waiting room)

Kelly- Chief if it's okay with you; can I go see Casey

Boden- Go ahead

Kelly- Thanks

Kelly's pov

The minute I walked into the room, all I could feel was anger and sadness. My best friend was in a hospital bed in pain because someone did this. I promise I will find that sick son of a Bitch and he will pay for his actions. The only person I knew that hold a grudge against Casey was me before and Voight. But he is still in jail. Wait a minute, I remember Casey talking about something that he always has connections; what if he paid someone to do this. I look back at Casey and see how pale and weak he is, and then think about the suspect I think did this. I leave the room and rush to the chief.

No one's pov

Kelly rushes in the waiting room.

Kelly- Chief can I speak to you for a minute

Boden- Yeah, of course

( They go out into a hallway to speak in private)

Boden- What did you have to tell me

Kelly- I think I know who may be behind what happened to Casey

Boden- Who do you think it is

Kelly- I think it is Voight, Casey did say he always has connection

Boden- You do have a point

Kelly- If it is him, What is he going to do next

Boden- I do not know, but we have to protect Casey

Kelly- Of course

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I am sorry for the long wait, but I had many things that I was doing in school. For example, Finals and my state test. Thank you all who are still enjoying this book. It means a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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