Who would do such a thing

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Kelly 's pov
I couldn't believe what I just heard. Someone did this to Matt on purpose , who would do such a bad thing. I couldn't even think right . I was about to say something when I saw the doctor come out
Doctor- family of Lt..Matt Casey
Boden- that's us
Doctor- the lieutenant had internal bleeding in his lungs ,but we were able to stop it. He broke his leg and neck, but we couldn't put the neck brace on because... I don't know how to break it to you... the lieutenant is on a ventilator due to his minor head injury from the crash and the internal bleeding ...what I am trying to say is that the lieutenant is in a coma. I am truly sorry .
I couldn't believe what I heard . Matt was in a coma, I really need to see him
Kelly- could we see him
Doctor- yes but only two visitors at a time alone..he is the ICU room 712
Kelly- thanks
(doctor leaves)
Herman- I think it's safe to say that Kelly and Dawson should go first
Boden- yeah, I agree
Dawson- okay thanks
(Kelly and Dawson leaves to see Matt)

Dawson 's pov
Kelly was the first to enter the room when I saw him through the window in the door I gasped . I enter the room with watery eyes. He looked lifeless. He was very pale and his leg was in a cast. The room was silent, only the machines were beeping. Me and Kelly just looked at Matt and cried .
Kelly- this was on purpose
I was confused at his statement
Dawson- what was on purpose
Kelly- the accident .. someone cut his brakes and purposely crashed him
I was in complete shock
Dawson- oh my god who would do such a thing
Kelly- that's what we have to find out

???'s pov
???-do you have any news on him
???-yes sir
???-well go on
???- he is in a ventilator and is in a coma
??!- good
???- are you ready to really get into the fun
???- yes sir I am
???- good you better be

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