I choose...

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Casey- I'm sorry Hallie but I am choosing my friends
Hallie- It is ok, just remember I love you
Casey- I love you too, But how do I get back
Halie- By waking up
Casey- How do I do that
Hallie- Easy, by closing your eyes tightly and then wishing hard
Casey did as he was told and hoped it worked
Dawson(crying)- What if he does not make it
Kelly(hugging her)- Casey is strong, he will never give up fighting
Dawson- I hope so
Kelly- Look there is the doctor
(Ps, Kelly and Dawson are in the waiting room with the others)
Doctor- Family of Matt Casey
(All firefighters stands up)
Boden- That's us
Doctor- He pulled through , is off the ventilator, and is awake. A miracle happened
Boden- Could we still visit him though
Doctor- Yeah, but one of a time. He is going to be in a great amount of pain so don't stress him out
Dawson- I am going to see him
Boden- Go, comfort him
Dawson- Yes, sir
Boden- good
Once I woke up, all I felt was pain. My lung ached. My leg and neck were broken. Ohh brother, I hope I made the right decision. While I was waiting for the pain medication to work and trying to stay awake, Someone entered the room. I did not knew who it was at first but then I heard her angelic voice. It sounded like she was crying. So I turn in that direction and saw that she was indeed crying.

Dawson- Hi, babe

Casey- Oh why are you crying, You know that I hate to see you cry(raspey voice btw)

Dawson- You really got me scared there(sits next to him while holding his hand)

Casey- I made it though

Dawson- I know, but I just hate seeing you in pain baby

Casey- I can not lie about that part

Dawson- You want me to call the nurse to bring you the pain meds

Casey- No, I already took them. Besides, I want something else

Dawson- What will that be

Casey- A kiss

Dawson- Oh, I see what your trying to do. ( kisses him in the lips)

Casey- Yup, still feels amazing

Dawson- I know right


Dawson-You should get some rest, I will see you tommorow kk(Kisses him before she leaves)

Casey- Bye

As soon as she leaves, he soon realized for sure that he made the right decision


Sorry for the long wait, hoped you enjoyed

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