Live or Die

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Casey's pov
Where am I. The last thing I remembered was the car accident and everything turning black . I look around and all I see is nothing but white. Am I dead? I said out loud to no one in particular .
???-No, you are in a coma. It is up to you to decide whether or not you want to live
I turn around to see a person I never thought I was going to see again .
No one's pov
Casey- Hayley is that you
Hayley- Yes Matt is me
Casey- Omg I can not believe it (gives her a hug) I miss you
Hayley- I missed you too. I would love to chat with you but you have to decide, whether to live and go back to your friends and family or stay here with me forever
Casey- I can't decide that fast, I need time to think
Hayley- What do you need thinking about
Casey- I love you, but I also love Dawson and my friends
Hayley- So
Casey- If I go with you I will be happy but my friends would be devastated
Hayley- I give you time to think, but soon your body would start crashing and then it would be up to you to decide then and now, either to live or die
Casey- ok
Hayley- just know, no matter your choice, I will always care and love you
Casey- Me too Hayley
(The start hugging, when they look down to see Casey starting to flatline)
Hayley- It's time

Dawson's pov
Nothing.Me and Kelly just sat there just watching, hoping he will wake up, and this is all just some twisted dream. Kelly was about to say something to me when his monitor started flatlining. No No No I can not lose Casey like this. Kelly rushes and gets a doctor, while I stand by him crying, I can't lose him.
The doctors come in and pushes me out. I stand there watching them shock him, and the monitor still flatlining. Please Matt don't do this, not like this

Back with Haley and Casey
Casey- I made my decision
Hayley- what is it
Casey- I decided that I am going to.....

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