Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Lux’s Point of View

Everyone ran out of the school like a swarm of bees. Chuck and I had run down the street away from the sirens and waited for his driver to pick us up. I’d gotten home right around the same time Blair had, we both hoped the guy that was injured would be alright and that we wouldn’t get in trouble for breaking into the school…

The next morning we woke up to emails informing us that there was a special assembly being held first thing before classes. Blair and I bickered over what the assembly could possibly be about the entire way to school. I already had a pretty good idea in the back of my mind. We walked into the old choir room that had been converted for announcements and slid into our seats on the benches. I glanced over my shoulder to see Chuck and Nate sitting next to each other. Chuck looked at me and I immediately turned around and faced forward. Serena sat down on the other side of Blair and we waited to hear the big announcement.

Head Mistress Queller and Dean Mr. Morganton walked into the room and placed turned on a DVD slideshow of pictures that were taken last night at the impromptu pool party we’d all attended. As the slide show played the room fell silent and I looked at Blair out of the corner of my eye. We are so freaking screwed right now it’s not even funny. We’re dead; literally someone should dig a hole for our corpses to be thrown in dead. Mrs. Queller eyed the girls on her side of the room while Dean Morganton stepped forward.

“Thanks to the cell phone that somebody left behind, we’ve got plenty of evidence who was at the party. Lucky for you, Andrew Collins is going to be fine. Unlucky for you, we need to hold someone responsible.” Dean Morganton addressed the room. I crossed my legs and fidgeted with the end of my plaid tie that hung loosely around my neck. I can’t believe we actually thought we wouldn’t get caught. The slideshow of pictures continued and one of me and Chuck popped up on the screen. It was right before I’d shoved him in the water. Dean Morganton cleared his throat and stepped aside so Mrs. Queller could take the floor.

“I’m Mrs. Queller, the new Head Mistress at Constance. It’s unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances, but I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. I’ve already talked to your parents at least, those I could reach, and I look forward to reading your personal essays- ten thousand words describing how you came to be on school property after hours, using drugs and alcohol, where a fellow student almost died.” Mrs. Queller said causing us all to shift in our seats a bit. There was no way out of this now. They had proof we were all there. I hated getting in trouble; I’ve never been in trouble so I don’t know how to act. Right now though, I feel like vomiting. We were so stupid to break into the school of all places. But, is it really breaking and entering if you have a key?

“In other words, what the hell is wrong with you? I’ll also be conducting one-on-one interviews until I discover who broke into the pool and initiated the party. That person will be expelled. If that person is not identified, then you’ll all face expulsion.” Mrs. Queller continued to reprimand us. I was worried before, but expulsion? That goes on your permanent record, as in colleges will see…Now, I’m terrified.

The bell rang and Mrs. Queller dismissed us to head to our classes for the morning. She’d grill us later one-on-one. Oh how joyful that will be. Everyone headed out of the announcement room out into the quad so we could disperse and head to our classes. I ran my hand through my hair and followed everyone down the steps letting the drizzle of rain drench my plaid peat coat.

“So we all know how this works?” Blair said, turning on her heel to look at everyone as we stopped on the steps to figure out how to handle this mess. We’ve been in situations like these before, but never anything this bad…

“Look, no one talks, no one gets into trouble.” Chuck said standing beside me. He adjusted his bag on his shoulder gently brushing his shoulder against my own. I crossed my arms over my chest and stepped away from him slightly.

“Who did break in, anyway?” Nate asked, looking confused. I bit my lip and looked at the wet concrete. Serena had the key, but technically Blair and I were with her so we’re her accomplices.

“I guess we don’t have to worry about Nate cracking under pressure.” Chuck laughed out. I smiled a little when Nate rolled his eyes. We all huddled together to let a few other people pass us on the stone steps.

“So are we all agreed?” Blair asked, looking at everyone to comply with her don’t talk don’t get caught scheme. I nodded my head, unable to think of anything else. There was nothing else to think of really. I’m turning Serena in, plus implicating myself and Blair in the process.

“Agreed.” Serena said, as Dan draped his arm around her shoulder. Koti and Is were playing on their phones ignoring the entire conversation before them.

“Look, Blair, I know you have your sights set on Yale, but this skull and bones stuff is a bit much, don’t you think?” Dan said stuttering on his own words, looking around nervously.

“Maybe, but it works every time.” Blair replied, giving him a curt smile before walking off to her next class. I shook my head and started off towards my World History Class. I felt someone following me and turned to see Chuck giving me a smarmy grin. I rolled my eyes as he continued to look at me.

“What?” I finally burst out when I realized he wasn’t going away.

“I can tell you’re worried about Queller suspending you.” He said, looking me up and down, he reached over and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and I smacked his hand away. He chuckled softly to himself shaking his head.

“I’m not worried. Queller’s on a witch hunt right now, but she’ll get over it. She can’t suspend half the junior class. It would look terrible on her part.” I said, trying to believe myself as I spoke the words. Chuck nodded his head and walked along side me to class.

“Stalk much?” I shot out, when he kept following me.

“Oh, didn’t you hear? I’m in your World History Class now.” Chuck informed me. I stopped and looked at him.

“No, you’re not!” I told him, he’s full of it.

“But I am. See I bribed Miss. Waverly in the office to let me change my schedule just so I could irritate you a little longer throughout the day.” He said, pulling his new World History text book out of his messenger bag.

“You don’t even take AP classes. Do you even know what AP stands for?” I shrieked at him. He smirked and chuckled softly to himself. I knocked the book out of his hand before storming off into class. Why he has to torture me is beyond me…

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