Chapter 47

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Fanfic: Empire Ch 47, Gossip Girl | FanFiction

A/N: I'm graduating college here in four weeks so I am slammed with my final two classes, sorry I haven't been posting as much! I'll try and post again within a day or so!

Let me know whatcha think!?

Chapter 47

Lux's Point of View

The smell of fresh cut grass drifted through the blistering afternoon air. I slid my sunglasses up into my hair and felt the sun radiating it's warmth down onto my skin. There was nothing like relaxing by the pool with my two best friends on a hot summer day. The sun rays gleamed off of the top of the clear blue pool water that was nestled into the ground a few feet away from the cabana we were currently residing under. I sat my tattered copy of 1984 by George Orwell down on the wooden table in between our patio chairs and relaxed back into my seat. I've devoured half of the books on my AP Summer Reading List and planned on finishing that one before school started.

The events in the book sort of mirror the events of our lives. An ominous Big Brother watches Winston's every move. He's constantly aware of someone watching him in his home and on the streets; it sounds a hell of a lot like Gossip Girl if you ask me. I was in another country and the bitch still somehow kept tabs on me and my whereabouts? How is that possible? I sighed loudly becoming irritated with my own thoughts. "We are supposed to be relaxing!" Blair chirped beside me.

"I'm trying. I can't. I'm too tense. I need to go for a run or something later today, maybe it'll help." I suggested out loud. The faint sound of a tree trimmer could be heard off in the distance. My eyes caught sight of the lawn crew planting a new garden on the far end of Serena's grandmother's property.

"You've been on edge since last night running into Chuck. It's a new school year; our dreams are well within our grasp. Stop dwelling on the events of the summer and move on like me." She said smiling and pointing to herself as I turned my head to look at her rolling my eyes. All I've wanted to do is forget the events of this past summer. I wanted to forget waking up alone. I wanted to forget the feeling of feeling unwanted. I wanted things to go back to normal. The worst thing is Chuck leaving me wasn't the worst part of my summer that came after.

We heard the door to the house slam shut behind us and Serena appeared carrying a tray with fruity little umbrella smoothie drinks. She handed them out and took her rightful place on the other side of Blair. I sipped on my mango strawberry pineapple smoothie and watched the boys digging holes for the shrubbery they were planting around a bench. There was a younger guy who looked like the boss of all the hairy older men. He stood there holding a portfolio and scribbled something on the piece of paper.

"So you didn't do anything all summer? Please don't tell me you just sat around watching "The Closer" and eating takeout from Nick and Toni's." Blair continued our previous conversation with Serena before she had went inside to make smoothies for us all to enjoy.

"No, Della Famina." Serena answered reluctantly. Blair rolled her eyes while I gave her a pouty face.

"I've watched so much Law & Order: SVU I could legit be a high priced attorney." I chimed in laughing. While my days were spent out with Blair exploring the Eiffel Tower and the Love Lock Bridge, my nights were spent curled in bed snuggled up with Blair's cat Cat watching Olivia Benson kickass on the gritty streets of fictional New York.

"Well we will be sure to keep you on a retainer should we need your expertise." Blair laughed sipping on her drink. I smiled proudly sat up to take a faux bow of approval.

"You couldn't afford me." I laughed relaxing back into my lawn chair. Blair laughed along with Serena and ran her hands threw her sun kissed hair.

"What about all those rumors I heard about you and Nate?" Blair asked arching her eyebrows in curiosity. She was hoping to throw James back in Nate's face for everything he'd put her threw but from the looks of it he's been scurrying about the Hampton's with some mystery chick.

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