Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Lux's Point of View

The strawberry covered waffles with cool whip for breakfast was exactly what I needed after dealing with Chuck trying to poach Caleb away from me this morning for whatever reason. He's Chuck Bass he doesn't need a reason I guess, other than to torture me that is. I mean I leave Caleb unattended for less than ten minutes and here comes Chuck like the vulture he is. He doesn't even like people, so why would he want to become friends with Caleb? Ugh, I have a migraine now. In the short amount of time I've actually gotten to spend getting to know Caleb I realized he's the complete opposite of Chuck and I love that about him.

He's polite and doesn't say whatever vulgar or demeaning thing that pops into his head. He's also an excellent tipper. I noticed that when he paid for our breakfast. I'd apologized profusely for Chuck's intrusion early, but he didn't mind it so it seemed. He even offered to walk with me to meet Serena at the Jitney. Blair was taking the limo back to the city with Marcus and all our belongings. I could have road back with Nate, but he was with the devils spawn so I opted out of that. All I had to do was board a bus and sit back and relax until we reached the city.

"Thank you for breakfast, again." I smiled as we walked down the sidewalk window shopping. Caleb waved it off and smiled a toothy smile that I had to admit was quite adorable.

"No problem! We should do it again once we are both back in the city, only maybe over dinner this time?" He propositioned me cocking his head to the side. His tan skin glistened in the bright blistering summer sun as I mulled the idea over in my head. "As friends of course." He added after a moment.

"Sounds like a good idea to me. I mean someone has to help you relearn your way around the city." I teased laughing at him. His family had been living in Japan for two years, so he admitted he was worried he forgot where all the popular places were.

"Yeah, yeah I hear you." He smirked as I spotted Serena up ahead sitting on a bench. I waved to her to let her know I was here and she glanced over her shoulder motioning for me to look at who was lurking behind her. That's when I noticed Humphrey with his nose in a book waiting for the bus to arrive behind her. What the hell is he even doing here? I'm missing something...

"Well I suppose this is where I leave you." Caleb said gaining my attention again. I laughed and brushed some hair behind my ear as he stood there awkwardly looking at the ground. I honestly felt so nervous around new people. Apparently, he did too.

"I'll see you back in the city! Text me and we'll get together." I smiled leaning in without thinking and kissing him lightly on the cheek. I was so used to doing that to Chuck it was like a second nature. It had become a habit I needed to break. I froze in place afterwards while he stood there smiling.

"I'll be seeing you." He said in my ear as he walked past me to cut across the street. I through my head back and shook it as Serena made her way over towards me. She smiled warmly and pulled me into a hug knowing I felt like I just made an ass out of myself. It was just a kiss on the cheek, people do it in other countries all the time, but I felt so stupid.

"What's with Humphrey?" I asked as she glanced at him over her shoulder as I leaned my head against her shoulder feeling our sweaty skin touching.

"He showed up at the white party last night, looking for me. We both were miserable without each other over the summer. We uh, went to talk on the beach last night and well...we... you know." Serena explained looking at me coyly as the bus came roaring down the street and to a stop.

"Seriously, you slept with him? What about all your issues and stuff? There's a reason you guys broke up? I guess sex wasn't one of those reasons." I whispered as a line of tourists formed getting ready to get on the bus. The heat and humidity was through the roof today. I needed air condition now.

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