Chapter 33

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Empire Chapter 33: It's All Gone, a gossip girl fanfic | FanFiction

A/N: Sorry it's been a while since I've updated! School's been crazy lately! But here's 3,300 words to make up for it! As always I love knowing what you think! Please review! Thank you to everyone who has and all my new followers!

Chapter 33

Lux's Point of View

I had ten minutes left of free period before I had to be in Mrs. Shultz Health class. I snaked my way through the expensively dressed kids in the hallways searching for Blair. I was too busy jamming papers back into my binder that I smacked into someone's chest in the hallway. "I'm so sorry!" I squealed kneeling down to pick up my binder. When I looked up I noticed it was just Nate...Great...I let out a sigh while he just stood there and stared at me.

"This is awkward. Blair's over there." I mumbled pointing down the hallway at Blair primping herself in the mirror nestled in her locker.

"I was actually looking for you." Nate informed me. I looked at him confused. We have hardly spoken two words to each other in weeks and now all of a sudden he wants to talk to me?

"Well, you found me." I said tucking a few pieces of hair behind my ear.

"Look, The Captain wants to see us together in rehab. He said he needs to talk to the both of us about some stuff. I'm going there after school. Do you want to come or not?" He asked impatiently waiting for me to answer him. I could tell by the way he kept looking away from me that he was more than uncomfortable standing here talking to me.

"Yeah...I'll meet you out front after school." I replied quietly before walking away from him. Nate and I have always been able to talk to each other, always. Now it just feels strained and forced. I know I was wrong for lying to him about Chuck, but I figured he would be able to get over it. The car ride to Brooklyn should be loads of fun...Not.

I made my way towards Blair and stood behind her when I saw her facing off with Jenny and the rest of the girls in the hallway. Even though I publically humiliated Jenny like she did me I still had to fight the urge to punch her in her cute little smug face. At least Blair is a bitch to everyone; you can expect it from her. Jenny hides it behind a faint smile and her innocent doe eyes.

"My brother's got tons of flash cards, and I'm totally available to help." Jenny beamed with an overly amount of excitement that made my stomach turn. How the hell she managed to get this group of junior girls eating out of the palm of her hand is beyond me.

"That won't be necessary, little J. You girls are all taken care of, Courtesy of Blair Waldorf SAT prep and spa." Blair interjected clapping her hands together in front of her. Jenny looked annoyed that Blair had cut her off and readjusted the fake Torrey Burch bag slung over her shoulder.

"Are you serious?" Hazel asked raising her eyebrows in confusion.

"If you're going to sweat the test, it better not clog your pores. This evening at my penthouse, you'll find personal tutors, hot stone massages, mani-pedis and an amazing acupuncturist who specializes in mental acuity." Blair cooed smiling at the girls. All of their eyes lit up like lights on a Christmas tree.

Blair wasn't about to let this lower classman upstage her in any way. This was a game of social warfare and Blair new how to play, and win. I shared a glance with Blair and smiled knowing Jenny's time as the righteous Queen Bee was coming to an end.

"I guess that beats my dad's lasagna." Jenny whispered rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry I'll Flicker over some photos for you! It's upperclassmen only. I'm sure you understand." I told her making my way through the group of girls following Blair down the hallway. Jenny smirked as I passed by her. "Totally." Blair and I shared a devious grin when we heard the girls trailing behind us down the hall trying to catch up to us. My phone buzzed in my skirt pocket forcing me to pull it out and read it...

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